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他告诉我们许多不可思议的故事。He told us mant uncanny stories.

他们惊人的相似。They had an uncanny resemblance.

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Twitter社区是一个很神奇不可思议的地方。The Twittersphere is an odd and uncanny place.

然后是生命不可思议的自我组织。And then there is its uncanny self-organisation.

这种升华可能骇人,不过并不超常。The sublime may be frightening, but it is not uncanny.

离奇的是,为什么他们建立这样的地形模型?Uncanny. Why would they build such a model of a terrain?

我有个朋友对人的心理有不可思议的洞察力。A friend of mine has an uncanny psychological discernment.

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主人公丹尼与柯克恸·道格拉斯出奇地相像。The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.

在这个过程中,我们正从“刚刚好”走向“出乎意料”!In the process, we are moving from the merely good to the uncanny.

离奇的凝灰岩地层在日落时所呈现出的金**外观。The uncanny tufa formations take on a golden appearance at sunset.

我们不还是能从脏盘子底下不可思议地冲出来吗?Will we not always dart out from under dirty dishes with uncanny speed?

这位品酒师能精确到令人不可思议的说出酒的产地和日期。A wine critic can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with uncanny accuracy.

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我发现这非常奇怪,它们就好像行星一样拥有大气层。I find it uncanny that they seem to have an atmosphere just like a planet.

你是个很有魅力且有让人心平和的特异功能。You are very charismatic and have an uncanny ability to put others at ease.

金因其非同寻常的鼻子一下子名声大震。In practically no time King had established a reputation for an uncanny nose.

在这部小说中,奇异性的事象中包蕴着浑涵而神秘的意味。In the novel, the weird and uncanny phenomena symbolize mystery and obscurity.

这神奇的“社会证明”单让人怀疑我们脑中的想法。This uncanny list of “social proof” makes one wonder what goes on in our head.

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由于某些原因,我有种离奇的感觉,今晚将会发生什么事。For some resons, I have an uncanny sence that something bad will happen tonight.

虽然他并不总是正确,但是他在苹果一连串的成功是多么超乎寻常。Though he has not always been right, his string of successes at Apple is uncanny.

刚一落进青瓶内,瓶中就发出了诡异的红光。Just a fall into green bottle of inside, in the bottle sent out uncanny red light.