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象寒冬天空的朝晖。Like the sun from a wintry sky.

第一次冬季的风暴在森林中狂啸而过。The first wintry storm roars through the forest.

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简单是今冬休闲鞋的主要原则。Simplicity is the main principle of wintry leisure shoes.

1986年一个寒冷的冬夜,我来到了世上。I first saw this world on a cold wintry night back in 1986.

如必须外出,应避免长时间置身在寒风中。If you must go out, avoid prolonged exposure to wintry winds.

在一个寒冷的冬日,一个樵夫干完活后,拖着疲惫的步伐向家走去。One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when

淑女们披着皮裘,绅士们身着大衣,在这凛冽的严寒中欢天喜地地走来走去。Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air.

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在宣告东京进入枯树季节的第一声号角的周日,我在新宿御苑里散步。With the first cold wintry wind in Tokyo, I took a walk in Shinjuku Goen.

毛皮还是从寒冷的俄罗斯偷运来的,你真的觉得好看吗?The steel traps of wintry Russia. I mean, you really think this looks good?

她的声音尖锐而痛苦,仿佛冬夜里的孤魂野鬼在嚎叫。Her voice was sharp and bitter, like the cry of a lost soul in the wintry night.

在寒冷的日子里没有什么比一碗直入心底的热汤更让人满足了。Nothing is more satisfying on a brisk wintry day than a hearty hot bowl of soup.

经历了数月无人居住的寒冬后,千年古刹即将重新开启。Unoccupied for the wintry months, this thousand-year-old temple is about to reopen.

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天气酷冷,天空中一大片阴暗的灰云遮没了太阳。The sun was concealed by the dreary expanse of grey cloud that covered the wintry sky.

正值冬季,天气很冷,那人把手放在嘴边哈气。The day being wintry and cold, the Man put his fingers to his mouse and blew opon them.

正值冬季,天气很冷,那人把手放在嘴边哈气。The day being wintry and cold, the Man put his fingers to his mouth and blew upon them.

穿着雪鞋走路留下的足迹,位于美国明尼苏达州中心的寒冷的原野上。Snowshoe tracks and footprints diverge in the middle of a wintry central Minnesota field.

当冬季厚重感实足的贵妇风结束后,米色、肌色和白色成为复苏的色彩。Beige and nude and off white are refreshing colors after the heaviness of wintry jewel tones.

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据了解,今冬菏泽南下催花的牡丹大幅减少。As we have learned, today wintry He lustre south next peony that urge a flower decrease considerably.

在寒冷的某一天,当一位樵夫刚下班正踏步走在回家的路上,他看到雪地里躺着黑色的东西。One wintry day a woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow.

南非,一个寒冷的早晨,一只沐浴在晨露中的幼年豹子在一棵倒下的树上小憩片刻。A dew-bathed juvenile leopard takes a peaceful moment atop a fallen tree on a wintry South African morning.