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他们抢夺着椅子。They scramble to their seats.

可能是飞车抢夺。May be an aerodyne to scramble.

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岩石上都是炒蛋。Scramble eggs all over the rocks.

三个男孩开始向上登攀。The three boys began to scramble up.

一场对非洲的新的争夺正在进行。A NEW scramble for Africa is under way.

我们以前也看到过争夺非洲。We have seen a scramble for Africa before.

现在,让我把幻灯片打开Now, let me scramble for my implement here.

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将打好的鸡蛋倒至锅中的蔬菜和香肠上,稍微翻搅。Pour the egg onto the vegetable and scramble slightly.

阿拉干参与了对战利品的全面掠夺。It was Arakanese who joined the general scramble for loot.

野心家在那儿争权夺利,他们不会随之起舞。They don't scramble against careerists for interest and power.

这样的告诫可能是明智的,但是各国不会停止争夺。Such cautions may be wise, but they will not stop the scramble.

打算炒鸡蛋,我便在碗边叩开一只鸡蛋。Intending to scramble the eggs, I cracked one on the rim of a bowl.

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当莱格米被释放后,人们争相前往他的住所去看望他。When Lai Gemi is released, people scramble to his house to see him.

他们两个匆忙来到柴房,发现Nick几乎失去知觉了。The two scramble into the wood shed to find a barely conscious Nick.

一场抢球风波在立海入学仪式的前一天?A scramble for balls on the day before the Rikkai Entrance Ceremony! ?

麦克风是在章其手中后,在过去的争夺。Microphone was in the hands of Zhang Qi, after a scramble in the past.

混乱的审查体现了这一事件的微妙性质。That scramble to censor underscores the delicate nature of the scandal.

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当我们听到“开球”的命令时,我们就开始争球。When we heard the order" Play ball", We began to scramble for the ball.

南北韩争相制造太空垃圾,没人管管?Does north and south Han scramble for making space trash , the nobody tube?

我知道我的东西都在哪儿,我就不会抓狂的摔门而去。There is no mad scramble to get out the door as I know where everything is!