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甘乃迪是难得一见有魅力的政治家。Kennedy was a rare and charismatic politician.

“这是一个很有个人魅力的演讲”彭斯告诉WTOV。"It's a very charismatic speech, " Burns told WTOV.

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性格自负,能力过人,极具感召力的一个刽子手。Conceited, capable, charismatic and a mass-murderer.

他是一个很有魅力、好口才的家伙。He's certainly a charismatic fellow and well-spoken.

散发魅力的琳达奶奶是当地旅游业的王牌。Charismatic granny Lida is the base of the local tourism.

我认为他很有号召力。他总是穿着最好的西服。I think that he's very charismatic. He wears the best suits.

听过李先生演讲的人都他很有感召力。Everyone who has heard Li's lecture thinks he is charismatic.

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我由小公主变成了魅力型的白领一族。I'm from the Princess into a charismatic white-collar family.

此外,女人也很欣赏有自信和魅力的男人。Further, women will also go for confident and charismatic men.

他很有魅力也很难对付,不会安安静静的走人。He is charismatic and quite difficult and will not go quietly.

文熙俊,富有超凡魅力和传奇色彩的韩国前男孩组合H。Moon Hee Jun, the charismatic ex-leader of legendary Kpop boy band, H.

蒙塔努斯呼吁教会少层次和更魅力的预言。Montanus called for less church hierarchy and more charismatic prophecy.

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我们会仰慕那些富有激情的坚持不懈观点,并且被它们吸引,找出它的魅力。We envy, are attracted to, and find charismatic the passionately insistent.

你是个很有魅力且有让人心平和的特异功能。You are very charismatic and have an uncanny ability to put others at ease.

卡扎菲心中的英雄与慈父是魅力十足的埃及领导人迦玛尔·阿卜杜尔·纳赛尔。Gadaffi's hero and father figure was Egypt's charismatic Gamal Abdel Nasser.

卡扎菲心中的英雄与慈父是魅力十足的埃及领导人迦玛尔·阿卜杜尔·纳赛尔。Gadaffi’s hero and father figure was Egypt’s charismatic Gamal Abdel Nasser.

而极具人格魅力的公司创始人史蒂夫乔布斯将公司提升到了一个新的高度。Now its charismatic co-founder, Steve Jo , has tra formed the corporate pitch.

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记得选择最能表现魅力的风格,学会和它有关的一切。Remember to chose your charismatic style and learn everything there is about it.

但这不过只比出售一些转瞬即逝的图像的新鲜行为稍稍欠缺了些魅力而已。This is just a less than charismatic new way of flogging a few ephemeral images.

很多美国演员卖相好、有魅力,但是他们缺乏专业技巧。Many American actors are very attractive and charismatic but they lack the skill.