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他的文章简短有力。His article was brief and forceful.

他的书法苍劲有力。His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.

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刚劲有力的声音在空气中回荡。Means forceful voice echoed through the air.

在我的有力论据下,她放弃了争论。She was made to step down by my forceful argument.

或者她们才是真正的猛禽,用她们有力的鹰爪抓住豪厄尔。They grasped at Howell with their forceful talons.

风暴是有影响力的,斯顿亦如此!The storm is forceful and influencing. So is Storm!

有说服力的报告人通常都性格坚韧。Forceful speakers usually have a strong personality.

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他的字秀丽优美而又刚劲有力。His characters were exquisite yet vigorous and forceful.

查德维尔的生硬听起来就和他的解释一样有说服力。Chadwell's voice sounds much more forceful as he explains.

政府的大意已经触发了强烈的反应。The government's remiss has triggered a forceful reaction.

她是个很有魄力的知识分子,不惧怕说出自己的想法。She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.

舞棍要勇猛,快速,有力。Stick dancing should be bold, powerful, quick and forceful.

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在第一部中就包含了对于心理主义的有力攻击。The first volume contains a forceful attack against psychologism.

这是对传统文学观的一次有力匡正。It is a forceful rectification of the traditional literary concept.

关于它是重实效的意思,它可能是强有力和渗透的。As for it's pragmatic meaning, it could be forceful and penetrating.

较深伤口的危险征兆是出血强劲或颜色鲜红。Forceful bleeding and bright red blood are dangerous signs of a deep cut.

这位书法家的书法苍劲有力,入木三分。This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes.

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人类全身上下,最强韧有力的肌肉,是舌头。All over the human body, the most coriaceous and forceful muscle is tongue.

有些女人喜欢听给力的词汇,其他一些则喜欢浪漫的歌词。Some women like hearing forceful words, others prefer more romantic lyrics.

你为我们挚爱的普林斯顿,做出了无比巨大的贡献。You are such a magnificent forceful good at Princeton, our beloved Princeton.