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邮递员来的时间很次序。The mailman ingways comes like clockwork.

海地将会遇到像钟表齿轮一样一连串的问题。Haiti will be facing storms like clockwork.

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詹妮弗告诉媒体,“整个节目组就像是一台机器,运作起来就好似钟表一般。It's such a machine. It runs like clockwork.

一并送给我的,还有一支只有七个音孔的小口琴。He gave me a old clockwork frog and a harmonica.

公务员生涯,就像打卡钟那麽一板一眼?Does the civil servant's career go like clockwork?

然后,这个守护进程就按照配置执行它们。The daemon then executes them, well, like clockwork.

食季与沙罗周期像时钟一样来了又走了。Eclipse seasons and saros cycles come and go like clockwork.

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整个夏天,庄园里的工作都进行的有条不紊。All through that summer the work of the farm went like clockwork.

我上传整个天体发条专辑由不合逻辑。I'm uploading the entire Celestial Clockwork Album made by Illogic.

音乐会顺利地进行,因为李佩组织地相当好。The concert went like clockwork because Li Pei organized it so well.

梅斯先生负责组织学校戏剧团的时候,一切进展都十分顺利。Mays had the organizing of the school plays they used to run like clockwork.

钟表般的精确逻辑——也即机械的逻辑——只能用来建造简单的装置。Clockwork logic -- the logic of the machines -- will only build simple contraptions.

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如果恒星仅有一颗行星,这种黯淡的间隔会如同钟表一样准确。If the star hosts just one transiting planet, that dimming should happen like clockwork.

发条橘子这部电影一开始的片段就是一帮混混朝着一个躺在地上无家可归的老头拳打脚踢。A Clockwork Orange begins with a gang of thugs kicking a homeless man while he is on the ground.

当衰退重创一些行业时,另外一些却向上发展,像钟表机构——甚至在经历增长。While recessions hit some sectors hard, others go on like clockwork — or even experience growth.

适应性——可以建立一个可调节的钟控系统来预定刺激物。Adaptable -- It is possible to build a clockwork system that can adjust to predetermined stimuli.

在任何战斗结束时,若发条马在该战斗中曾攻击或阻挡,则移去一个指示物。At the end of any combat in which Clockwork Steed attacked or blocked, remove one of these counters.

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工厂预制的玩具,包括锡玩具和发条玩具都发售于19世纪的英国。Factory-made toys, including tin toys and clockwork toys, went on sale in Britain in the 19th century.

对他们来说给收音机上发条是一个小小的不便,但是发条收音机却改变了他们的生活。For them winding up a radio is a minor inconvenience. The clockwork radio has transformed their lives.

有些父母总是期望宝宝能按照设定好的模式顺利进行下去。Some parent-led schedules set the expectation that your baby's routine will always run like clockwork.