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你真是料事如神。You are prophetic.

这的确是个预言。It was certainly prophetic.

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这些例子的预言性有多大?How prophetic are these examples?

预言的回声发出悲凉的曲调。Prophetic echoes flung dim melody.

你管这叫谎言,我叫它未卜先知“布莱尔?。You say "lie. " I say " eerily prophetic. "Blair?

我们称这些梦为“预知的”或“预言的”。We call these dreams " precognitive" or "prophetic".

对这位绅士的预见,谁也没有反驳。Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman's opinion.

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她早期的成就预示了她日后卓尔不群。Her early achievements were prophetic of her future greatness.

先知们走进园子,难以抵御苹果的香味。Prophetic people walk into a garden, resist hard malic fragrance.

但是现在他能够告诉我们他的确是具有先知能力的。But now he's able to tell us that he has already become prophetic.

硅谷来访似乎像一个噱头,但其却是预见性的。The Silicon Valley visits seemed like a stunt, but they were prophetic.

先知先觉的知识分子开始了乡土中国现代化的思考。Prophetic intellects began to think of themodernization of country China.

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那些话——神秘的预言——写于20世纪20年代早期。Those words — uncannily prophetic words — were written in the early 1920s.

随着我们阅读预言性书篇,这一点会更多的出现。We're going to see this increasingly as we move to the prophetic material.

正义与非正义的重新签订是先知先觉的最后几天。The redefining of justice and injustice is a prophetic sign of the last days.

这也是耶稣,耶稣秉承了这种丰富而具有预言性的犹太传统。What Jesus called, That rich prophetic Judaic tradition that Jesus flows out of.

太古的预言书记录下来了启示录兽的出现。The appearance of Apocalymon was recorded in a prophetic book from ancient times.

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事后看看,它非常的具有预见性,但是当时肯定引起过一片哗然。Pretty prophetic in hindsight, but it must have made for a good laugh at the time.

这个具有预言能力的头足动物,其短暂而不平凡的一生,是不会那么容易被忘记的。The prophetic cephalopod's brief but extraordinary life is unlikely to be forgotten.

谶纬是两汉时期独特的社会思潮。Prophetic Theology is a flow of distinctive social trend of thought in the Han Dynasty.