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星云的残余气体充斥星际空间。The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space.

但是即使如此,却很少被发现。And even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid.

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亚特兰蒂斯号是第一艘发射行星探测器的飞船Atlantis was the first shuttle to launch an interplanetary probe.

知道啦。希望未来有一天,我们能生活在一个行星际的社会里。Point taken. Hopefully one day, we'll live in an interplanetary society.

或者,行星际磁场与地磁场有什么联系吗?Does the interplanetary magnetic field connect with the Earth's magnetic field?

这是人类第一次尝试从航天飞机上发射行星探测器。It was the first time an interplanetary probe was launched from a space shuttle.

行星际磁场在不同的星等和方向强度差别很大。The interplanetary magnetic field fluctuates greatly in magnitude and direction.

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对日照是日光经由尘埃粒子的反向散射所造成的。The gegenschein is sunlight back-scattered off small interplanetary dust particles.

一旦人类到达了火星,星际检疫会变得困难得多。Interplanetary quarantine will be much more difficult to enforce once humans reach Mars.

问︰第六个问题是关于两个转世之间的星际游历和不同系统之间的停留。The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system dwelling, between earthly lives.

我们最先进的火箭在面对太阳系内的茫茫长途时都不免为其速度之慢而苦恼。Even our fastest rockets are agonizingly slow when faced with the gulf of interplanetary space.

此外,广阔的行星际空间,并非如过去认为是看似无法跨越的藩篱。Moreover, the expanses of interplanetary space are not the forbidding barrier they once seemed.

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由多台巨型碟型天线组成的深空网络因此建立,以作行星际的电信往来。Using radio antennae, the Deep Space Network was set up for the interplanetary telecommunications.

在四年星际旅行之后,黎明号将绕两颗小行星飞行,首先是灶神星然后是谷神星。After a four year interplanetary cruise, Dawn will orbit two small worlds, first Vesta and then Ceres.

对于长有触须、颇具才干的怪物来说,爬上陆地建造自己的“星际帝国”恐怕才是更好的选择。Far better for the talented, tentacled monsters to slither onto land before building their interplanetary empire.

月球现在可以被星际导弹攻击,月球所在星球的反弹道导弹将会保卫月球。Moons can now be attacked with interplanetary rockets. Anti-Ballistic Missiles of the planet will defend the moon.

要在行星间旅行,或许意味著太空人得把生态系带著走,以供应食物和氧气。Interplanetary travel probably means that astronauts will need to carry ecosystems along to supply food and oxygen.

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或者简单地说,男人和女人来自不同的星球,而这种跨星际的友谊肯定行不通。Or simply remember that men and women come from different planets, and interplanetary friendships have never worked.

以密度来说,从行星际到星系际空间的旅行,比从水进入空气中还激烈。In terms of density, the voyage from interplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air.

“黎明号”也是美国宇航局发射史上最大的星际探测器,太阳能电池板展开后总长达64英寸。It's also the largest interplanetary pro be launched by NASA, measuring 64 feet tip to tip with its solar panels unfurled.