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可能就是看场电影。A movie maybe.

那部电影真烂!That movie sucks!

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这部电影烂透了!This movie sucks!

我是个影戏迷。I am a movie buff.

接着,电影开场。And then, the movie.

我欣赏这部电影。I enjoyed the movie.

这部电影够刺激。The movie is biting.

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这部电影太沉重了。The movie was heavy.

你是个电影迷。You're a movie buff.

北京电影学院。Beijin Movie Academy.

我是个电影迷。I am a big movie fan.

我喜欢收藏电影海报。I love movie posters.

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那部电影真棒。That movie was great.

这部影片很枯燥乏味。This movie is boring.

这部电影是谁演的?Who is in this movie?

谷克多电影里的?in the Cocteau movie?

电影站,正规的。Movie Station, formal.

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那部电影真不错。That was a good movie.

这是一部很好的电影。This is a great movie.

我们都是电影迷。We are all movie fans.