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什么是睡眠呼吸暂停?What is sleep apnoea?

什么导致了睡眠呼吸暂停?What causes sleep apnoea?

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睡眠呼吸暂停能治么?Can sleep apnoea be treated?

机长后来被诊断患有睡眠呼吸中止症。The captain was later diagnosed with sleep apnoea.

它和打鼾是由同一块肌肉影响的。Apnoea is caused by the same muscles that cause snoring.

作为一种新的尝试,科学家们给被睡眠窒息症困扰的人们开出了这种药片。Scientists are giving sleep apnoea sufferers the tablets as part of a new trial.

当他们伴有“中耳炎”或者睡眠窒息时是需要治疗的。When they are associated with 'glue ear' or sleep apnoea removal is recommended.

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每四个成年人中就有一个人规律性打鼾,其主要病因就是睡眠窒息。As many as one in four adults are regular snorers, with sleep apnoea a major factor.

他们比较了140位患阻塞性睡眠窒息症的打鼾儿童和35位没有此病症的不打鼾的儿童。They compared 140 snorers, who had obstructive sleep apnoea, with 35 non-snorers, who didn't have sleep apnoea.

有七分之一的驾驶员患有不利于驾车的健康问题,比如说睡眠呼吸暂停症,它会使人整天感到非常疲乏。One in seven reported suffering from a health condition such as sleep apnoea that makes them tired during the day.

睡眠呼吸暂停症是由于白天嗜睡所引起的,并且可能会导致在某些完全没有意识到的情况下睡着。Sleep apnoea can cause daytime sleepiness, and in some cases can cause the sufferer to fall asleep without warning.

NTSB本周也提醒政府机构,睡眠呼吸中止症会导致运输事故。The NTSB also cautioned government agencies this week about the risks of sleep apnoea contributing to transportation accidents.

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斯坦利博士说已经有显著证据证明,患有睡眠呼吸暂停症的人“锁定”记忆特别困难。Dr Stanley said there was particularly striking evidence that people with sleep apnoea had particular problems "locking down" memories.

打鼾是主要的症状,但是有睡眠窒息症的儿童也会有睡眠不安,嘴巴呼吸,喘息,呼吸暂停以及尿床等症状。Snoring is the main symptom but children with sleep apnoea can also experience restless sleep, mouth breathing, gasping, breathing pauses and bedwetting.

有时,大的扁桃体和腺样肿大还会伴随这一种叫做睡眠呼吸暂停综合症导致儿童在睡眠中会出现短暂的窒息现象。Sometimes, large tonsils and adenoids are associated with a condition called sleep apnoea syndrome in which the child stops breathing temporarily during sleep.

睡时出现呼吸停止是与中风.心脏病和高血压相关联的对生命的潜在威胁状况,因此应该引起医学界的关注。Sleep apnoea is a potentially life-threatening condition associated with strokes, heart attacks and high blood pressure and therefore requires medical attention.

在法国的克莱蒙费朗大学校立医院医院�,80名患有睡眠窒息症和维他命D含量低的患者进行了32天的治疗,他们被发放了维他命D或者替代物。In the 80-patient, 32-day French trial at the University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, patients with sleep apnoea and low levels of vitamin D are being given the supplement or a placebo.

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在指南发布之时,治疗新生儿呼吸暂停和呼吸窘迫综合症的呼吸兴奋剂和肺表面活性剂生产商未提供任何资料。At the time of publication, there was no information from manufacturers for respiratory stimulants and pulmonary surfactants for the treatment of apnoea and respiratory distress syndrome in newborns.