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上周的泥石流夺走了他的房子。He lost his house in the mudslide last week.

此次泥石流灾害已造成至少1117人死亡。The massive mudslide has caused at least 1,117 deaths.

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我看到泥石流来了,面积非常大,我当时被撞昏过去了。I saw the mudslide coming, which was really huge, and I passed out.

星期二在古道上发生的一次泥石流已使一名阿根廷游客和她的导游遇害。A mudslide on the trail killed an Argentine tourist and her guide Tuesday.

1985年位于哥伦比亚的内华达德鲁兹火山爆发,引发大规模泥石流。The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide.

“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“The mudslide was caused by geology, but it was worsened by deforestation, ” Dr. Qi says today.

其中灾后重建、治山防洪变成是这次总预算案编制的首要重点。Disaster reconstruction and mudslide and flood control have become in this fiscal budget proposal.

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中国台湾电视台报道,泥石流淹没了屏东县的另村庄。According to Taiwanese television reports, a mudslide may have buried another village in Pingtung county.

哥伦比亚的Medellín的一个贫穷郊区发生了一场泥石流,掩埋了很多房屋,至少100人遇难。At least 100 people were feared dead after a mudslide buried homes in a poor suburb of Medellín in Colombia.

高速公路受坍方影响的路段约300公尺左右,将对通勤族造成极大冲击。The total length of the freeway affected by the mudslide was around 300 meters, creating huge impact on commuters.

六桂村有30多人已被认定死亡,另有30人在新开村的另一处泥石流中遇难。More than 30 people are believed to have died in Liu-Guei village and another 30 in a separate mudslide at Sinkai village.

另一名妇女说泥石流掩埋了她的两层民房,幸好几分钟前她和丈夫孩子及时逃出。Another woman said she fled with her husband and their baby from their two-storey home minutes before the mudslide buried it.

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中央华盛顿大学的地质学家卡尔·利尔奎斯特认为,这些骨骼化石曾被堆积在溪流沙砾层的顶部,后来又被一场泥流所淹没。CWU geologist Karl Lillquist helped establish that the bones were deposited on top of creek gravel and then buried by a mudslide.

上周日下午在基隆附近发生大规模走山,阻断了国道三号主要的路段,且造成至少三辆汽车遭掩埋。A massive mudslide near Keelung cut off a major part of Freeway No. 3 last Sunday afternoon, having buried at least three vehicles.

截至27日深夜,四川米易县山洪并泥石流灾害已导致死亡22人,失踪7人,受伤41人。At least 22 were killed, 7 missing and 41 injured as of Monday night in the latest flooding-caused mudslide in Miyi County, Sichuan.

“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“我从来没有想到会是这么大的泥石流。”"The mudslide was caused by geology, but it was worsened by deforestation, " Dr. Qi says today. "I never expected such a huge slide. "

当地时间1日凌晨,巴西里约热内卢州西南部一个岛屿因连日大雨发生山体滑坡,山脚下一家豪华旅馆被泥石流埋没,至少15人遇难。A mudslide struck a small luxury hotel on an island southwest of Rio de Janeiro early Friday due to heavy rain, killing at least 15 people.

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这种担心在2002年变成了现实,当时的泥石流阻塞了Mailuu-Suu河并淹没了一个废物倾倒站。This fear was nearly realized in 2002 when a huge mudslide blocked the course of the Mailuu-Suu River and threatened to submerge one waste site.

同时,舟曲政府于星期五下命令,基于安全和卫生考虑,须封闭因泥石流被淤泥淹没的区域。Meanwhile, the government of Zhouqu on Friday ordered the sludge-covered area of the mudslide to be sealed off for both safety and health reasons.

中国西北地区甘肃省甘肃藏族自治州舟曲,航空照片展示出泥流造成的破坏场景。Aerial photographs show the devestation caused by the mudslide in Zhouqu, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, north-western China