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人们听见上帝,却看不见他,申命记说。One hears God but one doesn't see God, in Deuteronomy.

申命记另一个更深远的主题是爱。A further theme of Deuteronomy is the emphasis on love.

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我们可以通过许多种方式来研究申命记的结构。We can look at the basic structure of Deuteronomy in a couple of ways.

申命记把这段历史和神的命令,统称为「律法」。Deuteronomy calls this combination of history and instruction "this law."

摩西的生平记载在出埃及记,民数记,申命记和另一本书。The life of Moses is found in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and one other book.

申命记第五章中的哪些诫命,包含在这最大的诫命中?Which commandments from Deuteronomy 5 are included in the greatest commandment?

从这我们可以看到整本申命记是在一段很短的时期内写成的。From this we realise the whole of Deuteronomy was written in a very short period.

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阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy.

申命记第五章中的哪些诫命,总括在这第二大的诫命中?Which commandments in Deuteronomy 5 are summarized by the second greatest commandment?

阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

现在,我们将详细的学习申命记,在周三的时候再开始约书亚记。But now we're going to take a close look at Deuteronomy and we'll pick up with Joshua on Wednesday.

耶稣面对三个试探,每次祂都引用申命记的一节经文来胜过它。There were three temptations and each time Christ used a part of a verse from the book of Deuteronomy.

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他当时讲的是申命记第七章。And he was expanding Deuteronomy chapter 7, that’s the place where God is saying to the children of Israel.

申命记强调上帝对以色列亲切甚至不相称的爱,这在他对以色列人全能的行为上表现出来。Deuteronomy emphasizes God's gracious and undeserved love of Israel, and that's expressed in his mighty acts on Israel's behalf.

有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers,and Deuteronomy.

这在以色列人的历史编纂中是很常见的,而他认为这里就正在使用这种方式我们将在讨论申命记,时一直提到Weinfeld的作品。That's a very common practice in later Israelite historiography, and he says it's happening here already. And I'll be referring quite a bit to Weinfeld's work as we talk about Deuteronomy.

申命记一个更深的主题是事实上契约,传承了一种理念,即每一代以色列人都认为他们,通过最初的契约与上帝紧密相连。A further theme in Deuteronomy is the fact that the covenant concept entails the idea that each generation of Israelites understand itself as having been bound with God in the original covenant.

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申命记还强调社会公正和个人道德,以及邻里责任,上帝自身的代表弱者和被压迫者的,正直的行为是以色列人正直行为的范本。Deuteronomy also emphasizes social justice and personal ethics and neighborly responsibility. God's own righteous behavior on behalf of the weak and the oppressed is a model for Israel's righteous behavior.

有些学者把申命记看做是一份对应的条约,如果你会这样的话,是吗?一份颠覆性的条约,试图将人们的忠诚,从亚述帝王那里引向上帝,真正的统治者,并且这是一次全国性行动的一部分。Some scholars refer to Deuteronomy as a kind of counter treaty, if you will, right? A subversive document that's trying to shift the people's loyalty from the Assyrian overlord to God, the true sovereign, and it's part of a national movement.

上帝帮助孤儿,寡妇和陌生人,这就是以色列人的,帮助他们的指令的基础,它也是人道主义的,基础,我曾提到它似乎贯穿了,申命记12到26中的律法。God assists the orphan, the widow and the stranger, and that's the basis of Israel's injunction to assistthem also. It's the basis for the humanitarianism that I mentioned earlier that seems to run through the laws of Deuteronomy 12 through 26.