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我不会允许你这么做的。That's preposterous. I'd never allow it.

当然,这一主张是荒谬的。This claim is — of course — preposterous.

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我知道这个断言有点荒谬。I realize that seems a preposterous claim.

荒谬,有教养的人干不出这种事。That's preposterous. No well-bred man would do this.

用茶匙铲煤是荒缪可笑的。It will be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.

表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it.

他奔来奔去,离奇古怪地干下了种种荒谬的事情。He rushed about doing preposterous things in an extraordinary manner.

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这时我知道了,我曾经想过但认为是荒谬绝伦的事竟然是真的。I knew then that the idea I'd had and dismissed as preposterous was true.

如果这条消息是真的,那简直就是滑天下之大稽了。If this information is true, then it is the most preposterous thing in the world.

在常规化的服务工作既有尖锐和荒谬的后果。The routinization of service work has both poignant and preposterous consequences.

弥尔顿对这个荒谬的说法解释到,他曾经拜访过一个妓女。Milton explains the preposterous of the idea that he has ever visited a prostitute.

要说唐朝没有在战斗中直接打败突厥,那是荒谬的。To imply that the Tang did not defeat the Turks directly in combat is preposterous.

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然后我们说了,“我们必须要不惜一切代价来保证自己的安全。”And then we say, “Well we have to do that to be safe”. That is what is preposterous.

电影犀利尖刻地反映了那些荒谬幻象的瞬间崩溃。The movie has a keen, bitter sense of the sudden breakdown of preposterous illusions.

一个脆弱的、愚蠢的、荒谬的谎言不会存留两年以上——除非它是对某人的毁谤。A feeble, stupid, preposterous lie will not live two years-except it be a slander upon somebody.

移工应负担雇主的管理费用这是荒唐的。It is preposterous that migrant workers should shoulder the management expenses of their employers.

然而尽管萨氏犯有这样那样的错误,俄国人称自己的行为是“维和行动”仍然是荒谬的。Yet his mistakes and folliesnotwithstanding, Russia'sclaim that it was "enforcing peace" is preposterous.

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尽管由于他的愚蠢铸成大错,但俄国“维持和平”的要求仍是荒谬的。Yet his mistakes and follies notwithstanding, Russia's claim that it was "enforcing peace" is preposterous.

不管规则多么荒谬,它总是呆在那儿,不论其是否达到其目的。No matter how preposterous the rule, it stays and stays, regardless of whether it works to accomplish its end.

曾经,韩国车和日本车会与底特律竞争的想法好像是那么的荒谬。Once upon a time, the thought that Korean or Japanese vehicles could compete with Detroit seemed preposterous.