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您一定注意到上述代码中的省略号。You no doubt noticed the ellipsis in the code above.

现在,让我们回到我们前面跳过的用省略号表示的代码。Now let's return to the ellipsis code we skipped earlier.

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汉语的省略主要是主语。在英译汉时需要重复原词。Ellipsis in Chinese usually refers to the omission of subject.

删节号用在这篇文章的末尾,恰到好处。It is just fine to put the ellipsis at the end of the article.

那其实只是些大小不一的卵石,删节号似的横过那河。It is only some sizes of pebbles, ellipsis like that river crossing.

截断无法放入矩形框的文本并添加省略号。Truncates text that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipsis.

后来就是一长串的省略号,就不细说了。Here I need to put a long series of ellipsis so I account for no details.

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第一个例子介绍了在Groovy中用省略号来使用可变长度变量的方法A first example will show the usage of varargs in Groovy with the ellipsis

省略在两种语言中基本都表现为回指衔接。The cohesion of ellipsis is usually anaphoric in both English and Chinese.

英汉互译时,要通过保留、增删等手段在译文中实现有效转换。Ellipsis is mainly translated by means of keeping the original, adding. omission, etc.

纤夫在河边留下一串脚印,那是跋涉者生活的省略号。They pull on the river left a string of footprints, it was wayfarers ellipsis of life.

相比之下,省略的使用要少得多,而替代一次也未出现。By comparison, ellipsis is much less employed while substitution does not appear at all.

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单击当前图像的图标,然后单击该图标旁边的省略号按钮。Click the icon for the current image, and then click the ellipsis button next to the icon.

其实汉语VP结构也显示了淘汰效应。In fact, VP ellipsis constructions in Chinese language illustrate the eliminative effect, too.

只有当INFL被特定的助动词或情态动词实现的时候,轻量动词短语省略才会出现。Only when INFL is realized by certain auxiliaries or modals can vP ellipsis constructions occur.

并从五个方面探讨了篇名的简省性,从七个方面探讨了篇名的吸引性。The title's ellipsis are also examined in five aspects whereas the title's attractiveness in seven ways.

单击关系表达式的省略号,并向关系定义中添加如下逻辑。Click the ellipsis for the relationship expression and add the following logic to the relationship definition.

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在语义研究中,“空语类”是隐含,还是省略,这一课题的研究引起了人们极大的关注。In the semantic research field, whether"Empty category"is concealment or ellipsis attracts peoples great attentions.

口语中句子的语用变化现象“省略和倒装”从语用角度来分析有很大的帮助力和解释力。The author explains the inversion and ellipsis as a grammatical phenomenon in oral Uyghur from a pragmatic standpoint.

动词短语省略句自上个世纪七十年代以来,一直都是生成语法学中研究的热点问题。VP ellipsis in Chinese came to be discussed in the latest thirty years and many researches have studied on this topic.