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这个方法是适用的。The way was applicable.

QAP是可用的一种方法。QAP is an applicable solution.

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如果适用,提供缺省值。Provide default values if applicable.

适用于大批量生产铜条。Applicable to mass production of copper.

如适用者,请填写这项。Please complete this part if applicable.

适用于苜蓿草的粗粉碎。Applicable to coarse grinding of alfalfa.

请在不适用处填上「不适用」。Please insert "N. A. " if not applicable.

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标记符号对文本不适用。Marker symbols are not applicable to text.

除非另有通知,上述运费率适用。Above rate applicable until further notice.

可适用的前提条件和后置条件Applicable preconditions and postconditions

激光微波适用于涵洞等。Laser microwave applicable to such culvert.

牛顿定律并不适合于任何情况。Newton's law is not applicable to any case.

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适用于退还订购单内个别项目的款项。Applicable to refund of the whole Order Form.

所以这些结果是普适的。So the results are very generally applicable.

适用于港口起重设备的拖令用系统。Applicable to festoon system of port equipment.

规格适用中风超过300毫米。Specification are applicable over 300mm stroke.

该法适用于固体和半固体样品的前处理。ASE is applicable fo solid or semisolid samples.

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离心泵扬程较高,但出水量不大,适用于。High lift pump , but water is not applicable to.

任何适用于手边任务的其他内容。Any other content applicable to the task at hand.

在适当的时候创建日期和时间维度。Create the date and time dimension if applicable.