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我受够这里的喧闹了。I've had enough of the noisiness here.

街上的嘈杂声使我不能专心读书。The street noisiness makes me reading without concentration.

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我们无法估量噪音会给我们造成多大的伤害。We could not measure how bad of the harmfulness caused by the noisiness.

只有从喧嚣走入寂静,你才会专注自己的心灵。Only when we step into quietness from noisiness will we focus on our soul.

可是,一小我恬静下来时会感觉,曾经腻烦的那些嘈杂回忆起来很温情很纪念。However, when we are alone we feel those noisiness in the past are warmly recollected.

那思念如影随行,纵然我置身于喧闹我依然觉得深深地落寞。My longing follows me so closely as a shadow that I feel very lonely in spite of noisiness around me.

所产生的数据的渐增的复杂性和固有的噪音使得可视化数据浏览变得越来越重要。The increasing complexity and inherent noisiness of the generated data makes visual data exploration ever more important.

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热门话题的最初目的是为了帮助人们发现最新的趋势,但是由于垃圾信息的出现而变得越来越无趣。Trends began as a useful way to find out what's going on but has grown less interesting due to the noisiness of the conversation.

微光夜视设备的象管在进行图象信息转换和增强时,将伴随附加噪声,使输出图象恶化。The image quality will become worsen for the append noisiness when it be translated and strengthened with the image tube of shimmer night viewing device.

我们测试的PF30的电力线分析仪,提供即时,声音反馈的噪声任何特定出口通过内置扬声器和音量控制。We tested the PF30 with a power-line analyzer that provides immediate, audible feedback on the noisiness of any given outlet via a built-in speaker and volume control.

为了滤除测量噪声,提出了一种对实验观测数据进行最优化正则平滑的数据处理方法。In order to filter the noisiness in the observed data, a new data processing method, so called the optimal regularization smoothing procedure, is provided in this paper.

用自己的整齐对待敌人的混乱,用自己的冷静对待敌人的喧哗,这是掌握用兵时的心理方面。Use orderliness and stability to confront chaos and disorder. Use calmness and steadfastness to deal with noisiness and clamour. This is control of the psychological factor.

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无论是中国式的热闹还是西方的安静,都是庆祝节日的方式,归根结蒂是盼望能有富足幸福的新一年。Nevertheless, a celebration is a celebration, regardless of its style of Chinese noisiness or western tranquility, a ritual with which people pray for a happy, prosperous new year.

斯特拉特福德尊敬的居民认为剧院没有对他们的收入增加一文钱,他们坦率地不喜欢皇家莎士比亚剧团的演员,这些人留着长发、蓄着胡须、趿拉着拖鞋,而且很吵闹。The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC's actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.