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他在雕像旁躺下了。He lay down beside the statuary.

没有一个雕像能比这更静默。No statuary is more silent like this.

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它现在是为我的花园雕塑。It now is the place for my garden statuary.

在一尊伟大的雕像脚下种一颗爬墙虎。Plant a Boston ivy beneath a great statuary.

雕像的价值来自于它的难度。The value of statuary is owing to its difficulty.

作品是一个最好的例子哥打雕像。The piece is one of the finest examples of Kota statuary.

下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.

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下礼拜这个博物馆将进行一个青铜雕塑作品展览。There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.

在残损的宋陵雕像后收获秋粮的农民。Some farmers are harvesting behind the destroyed statuary of Song Mausoleum.

由此,雕塑成为了一种立体的政治“宣传画”。Therefore, statuary had turn into a three-dimensional political picture poster.

我拍了拍他,随后起身去取雕像,他就吊着尾巴跟在我后面。I petted him and when I got up and went for the statuary he followed me with his tail up.

雕塑的空间,是传统雕塑和现代雕塑研究的重要领域。Statuary space is an important field for both traditional sculpture and modern sculpture.

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与此同时,好莱坞以龙和劫掠者雕像的形式升华这种焦虑。Meanwhile, Hollywood sublimates the anxiety in the form of dragons and marauding statuary.

它是正在1985年末时画的,卖时我正抉择开端制作不锈钢系列雕塑。It was made at the very end of 1985 when I was decisions on my stainless-steel Statuary series.

在美国首府举行一场战略会议前,共和党议员聚集在雕塑馆里。Congressional Republicans gather in Statuary Hall before a strategy meeting at the U. S. Capital.

所以我们谈论关于雕像的主流文化时,还是要记住一个时空的概念。So we are talked about about statuary mainstream culture when, still want to learn a spatiotemporal concept.

在边远的斯莱角,一名驾驶者疾驰而过,给被变化无常的天气所磨损的宗教雕像加上了一道条纹。Slea Head, Ireland, Statuary, 1993"At remote Slea Head a motorist streaks by religious statuary worn by moody weather."

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宗教造像便是宗教艺术中雕塑的一个重要门类,它是各类宗教中神祗的物化呈现,是偶像崇拜的具体内容。The woodcarving art is a vital class of religious statuary. It is the substantiation of gods and the content of fetishism.

几个世纪以来,当乘客从上面时,敬佩秀丽它雕象之后,船航行了在被淹没的城市。For centuries afterward, ships sailed over the drowned city while passengers admired the beauty of its statuary from above.

然而事实上,这种“正面描绘”的展示手法与古埃及雕塑的功能和创造背景有着密切的联系。Frontality is, however, directly related to the functions of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the statues were set up.