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你的厌食理论让我不舒服。不要再说了。Your anorexia theory makes me antsy. Will you please stop?

就我自己而言,当我觉得打搅到别人的时候,我会感到坐立不安。Personally, I get antsy when I think I'm boring someone else.

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伴随这这个月的开始,你可能会觉得坐立不安、难以平静。As the month opens, you may feel antsy and unable to settle down.

我坐立不安,并希望得到前进更明亮的讨论。I got antsy and wanted to move ahead to more luminous discussions.

这是个欢乐的时刻,即使因为缺了无线网让莱佛青有点坐立不安。It's a happy moment, even if the lack of Wi-Fi makes Levchin antsy.

我希望凯帝快些打电话来,这样干坐着等让我觉得很烦燥。I hope Katy calls soon. Just sitting around and waiting is making me antsy.

当市盈率上升,如1929年,人们焦躁不安When the price-earnings ratio gets high like it did in 1929 people get antsy.

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她是我最喜欢的女演员之一,所以原谅我,我谈这个都有些坐立不安。She is one of my favorite actress so forgive me for being a bit antsy about it.

嘿,杜兰,我有点烦了。我们出去做点有趣的事吧。Hey Duran, I'm getting antsy . Let's get out of this house and go do something interesting.

然后他提供了丰富的统计,可以减轻焦虑的焦躁不安的乘客。He then offers an abundance of statistics that should relieve antsy air passengers of much anxiety.

常要忍受投资者抱怨的对冲基金本月底又将面临一波撤资潮。Hedge funds, frequently at the mercy of antsy investors, are bracing for a wave of withdrawals at the end of the month.

当谈到月经和性这类事情的时候,我妈妈就会坐立不安。因此她都没有真正的对我谈过这些。My mother gets very antsy when it comes to talking about things like periods and sex, so she'd never really told me much about it.

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很多人把互联网营销当成是有捷径、诀窍可循的,但是这种捷径、诀窍引发的往往是灾难。To many people out there get all antsy to have their internetmarketing look like a recipe. If it looks like a recipe it is a recipefor disaster.

它出奇的小尺寸使它能够方便地放在外衣口袋里,但除了在长途旅行中安抚汽车后座里不安分的小孩,它无法满足更多人的需要。Its diminutive size, which makes it so handy for stashing in a coat pocket, also makes it unlikely to satisfy more than one antsy kid on a long car ride.