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除了纤维素,还有半纤维素和木质素。Besides cellulose, there are hemicellulose and lignin.

目的探讨海带半纤维素对血栓形成的影响。Objective To study the effect of laminaria hemicellulose on thrombus formation.

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以新鲜米糠为原料,开发研制出可溶性米糠半纤维素B饮料。A soluble hemicellulose B drink was developed from fresh rice bran as raw material.

通过对甘蔗渣采用不同方法脱除木素后,再用碱液抽提半纤维素。Hemicellulose was extracted with alkali from bagasse delignified by different ways.

FTIR分析表明,半纤维素和部分木质素的特征吸收峰减弱。According to the result of FTIR, the absorption peak of the hemicellulose became weaker.

玉米芯酸水解技术是生产木糖水解液的关键。The technology of normal pressure acid hydrolysis of corncob hemicellulose is discussed.

本文综述了半纤维素稀酸水解反应的研究进展。In this paper, the progress of hemicellulose hydrolysis reaction with dilute acid is reviewed.

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原竹的化学成分中,半纤维素、木素含量相对较高。In the chemical composition of raw bamboo, hemicellulose and lignin have relatively high contents.

木聚糖作为重要的半纤维素,是自然界中除纤维素以外含量最高的可再生资源。Xylan accounts for the second concentration of Renewable resources as a major hemicellulose in nature.

秸秆是丰富的可再生资源,主要由纤维素、半纤维素和木质素组成。The stover is abundant and renewable resource and mainly consists of cellulose , hemicellulose and lignin.

与其它植物秸秆类似,凤眼莲化学成分主要由纤维素、半纤维素和木质素组成。Similar to other plants, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the main chemical constituents of this plant.

纤维素、半纤维素可用来生产燃料酒精,而木质素往往被废弃。Cellulose and hemicellulose could be used to produce fuel alcohol. However, lignin is often regarded as uselessness.

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糖分析结果表明,可溶性成分主要来源于半纤维素,以单糖形式存在。The sugar analysis revealed the solubilized products resulted mainly from hemicellulose and exited as monosaccharides.

不同来源纤维,由于其所含的NDF和半纤维素的含量不同,所以鹅对其利用情况也不同。Due to different contents of NDF and hemicellulose in different fiber resources, they were utilized by geese differently.

本实验以豆渣中提取的膳食纤维为原料,进行半纤维素多糖的提取工艺研究。The separation and purification of the hemicellulose polysaccharide from soybean dietary fiber was studied in this paper.

半纤维素在高温下氧化形成有色物质,使枫桦产生变色。Hemicellulose could be oxidized to the colorful substance under the high temperature, which also causes the discoloration.

半纤维素被分割成主要的建筑块——一种称为木糖的糖,然后木糖被热水冲洗走。The hemicellulose separates into its chief building block, a sugar called xylose, which can then be washed away with hot water.

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综述了通过水解半纤维素发酵木糖醇的制备方法及各种因素对发酵的影响。An overview of preparation of xylitol from hemicellulose and influential factors on xylitol production was presented in this paper.

研究了阳离子化半纤维素作为阳离子造纸助剂对漂白桉木浆成纸性能的影响。The cationic hemicellulose was then used as paper additive and its effect on bleached eucalyptus pulp handsheet properties was studied.

由于苞叶中半纤维素含量较高,导致其产气量和干物质消化率较高,因此,其营养价值高于叶和茎。Because of higher hemicellulose content of husks, the gas production and DMD were higher in the position of husks than stems and leaves.