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我建议您尝尝牛尾汤,先生。I suggest you try the oxtail soup, sir.

这家餐馆的牛尾汤最出名。This restaurant is famous for oxtail soup.

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牛尾汤听起来不错,来一份。Oxtail Soup sounds good, get me one please.

牛尾汤和清汤,您要哪一种?Which would you prefer, oxtail soup or clear soup?

牛尾咖喱和米饭,我们认为有葡萄牙菜的感觉。Oxtail curry with rice, Portuguese inspired we think.

今天我花了整整一个下午去做焖牛尾。Today I spent the whole afternoon making oxtail stew.

炉灶上炖的是由牛尾和鸡混在一起的牙买加炖肉,炖肉的香味沿着道路飘散开来。Simmering on the stove was a Jamaican stew of oxtail and chicken, whose smell wafted through the open doorway.

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因为地震的原因,现在很想恢复生产,种植牛尾笋是一个很好的项目,它可以给投资者带来很好的利润。Due to the earthquake, I now really resume production. Oxtail bamboo shoot is a great project, it can bring excellent profit for you.

此酒可单独饮用,也可搭配各式肉类菜肴,诸如辛辣风味羊肉、羊肉串、传统风味烤肉、牛尾以及烧烤牛排。Enjoy on its own or serve with meat dishes such as spicy lamb, souvlaki or kebabs or traditional roasts, oxtail and barbecued steaks.

牛尾汤具有益气血,强筋骨,补肾,含有雄激素可补肾扶阳,腰膝酸软等。Oxtail soup with beneficial blood, strong bones and muscles, kidney, kidney containing testosterone can help Yang, weak waist and so on.

因为地震的原因,我现在想重建家园,而且我看好种植牛尾笋这个项目,牛尾笋在市场上的销量很好,前景可观。After the earthquake, I want to reconstruct my home. I know that oxtail bamboo shoots is popular in the market and prosperous, so I choose this project.

因为地震的原因,我没有资金来发展我的项目,可是我很想种植牛尾笋,它在市场上有很好的价值观。Due to the earthquake, I lack money to develop my project. However, I really want to plant oxtail bamboo shoots, because it sell remarkably well in the market.

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品种有牛尾清汤、各式奶油汤、海鲜汤、美式蛤蜊汤、意式蔬菜汤、俄式罗宋汤、法式焗葱头汤。Varieties of oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam soup, Italian style vegetable soup, Russian type borsch, baked French onion soup.

首先要将橄榄油在沙锅里加热,后放入肉丝煎炒,再加上调过味的牛尾煎一段时间,注意不要把肉丝煎糊。First you heat up some olive oil in a casserole, fry some bacon cubes in this, add seasoned oxtail and brown them for a few minutes, taking care not to burn the bacon.