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他模仿公鸡打鸣。He imitated the cock's crow.

他在绘画上师法古人。He imitated the ancients in painting.

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他学总统发表演讲。He imitated the president giving a speech.

通过模拟电视教学的实验验证这一假设。The hypothesis was tested by imitated TVI.

“吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,”一个士兵模仿道。"Eat, drink and be merry, " a soldier imitated.

把这块真皮和那块仿皮比较一下。Compare this real leather with that imitated leather.

有研究表明婴儿们喜欢被模仿。There's research that shows babies like to be imitated.

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我们仔仔细细看着他们的动作,并模仿他们。We watched their movements carefully and imitated them.

唐末不同风格流派的代表诗人普遍效法温庭筠的诗风和笔法。Poets of different genres at that time all imitated Wen's style.

特雷福学着安娜贝利吱吱的嗓音,嘲讽地说,“我担心得要死。”Trevor imitated Annabel in a squeaky voice. “Oh I'm so worried.”

质“模仿山林溪谷的天籁音响制作了乐歌。Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music.

爱奥尼柱式模仿了女子的窈窕。Ionic order imitated the gentle and graceful temperament of female.

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其招式就模仿了五种飞禽走兽的动作。Its movements imitated the motion of five kinds of birds and beasts.

文章同时指出“V无可V”的泛化是一种“仿词”现象,值得研究。The excessive use of "Vwu keV " is a phenomenon of "imitated words".

这个系统模拟人的功能,并且比人更为有效。The system imitated human functions and performed them more effectively.

走线用扁平电缆,仿进口滑线小车等。Flat cable for travel running, slipping trolley imitated from import model.

经常模仿或模仿,这是美国人的爱国主义熟悉的象征。Often imitated or parodied , it is a familiar symbol of American patriotism.

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大家都把耳朵贴在地上听,我呢,我学大炮的声音,喊着‘嘣,嘣。’We glued our ears to the earth to hear. I imitated the cannon, and went boum!

许多后来的社会网络也模仿这样的注册方式。This method of recruitment would be imitated by many subsequent social networks.

他在录像带中表演的魔鬼舞被全世界的舞者所效仿。His ghoulish moves in the video have been imitated by dancers all over the world.