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一棵苹果树,终于结果了。An apple tree finally fruited.

过去,每年树都会结果。In the past, the tree fruited every year.

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五年前种的小树已结果。The tiny tree planted five years ago has fruited.

金黄色,果香丰富、浓郁,醇厚、优雅。Gold yellow , intense, fruited , full and elegant.

五年前种的小树已结果。The tiny tree planted five years before had fruited.

一个黄色大果型品种,原产于澳大利亚。A large yellow- fruited cultivar that originated in Australia.

此酒果味丰富,蕴含树莓、矿物质与浆果芬芳。A richly fruited wine displaying raspberry, mineral and berry aromas.

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味道清新,富果味,香味带有一点矿物质的味道。Limpid, fresh, light, well- fruited and often marked by mineral aromas.

散发着成熟水果芳香,口味更为突出。A fragrant, ripe, full fruited bouquet, which is confirmed on the palate.

一棵苹果树经过漫长的分枝,抽叶终于结果了。An apple tree, after going through a long time ramification and sprouting, finally fruited.

再生小植株在试管中继代2-3个月也可开花结实。Besides, the regeneration plantlets undergone 2- 3 months of subculture flowered and fruited in culture tubes.

美哉福地海阔天空,金黄谷物如波,紫翠山岳雄伟神奇,俯视平原肥沃!O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain!

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散发着成熟水果芳香,口味更为突出。结构丰富细腻,蕴含独特的榛仁与香料辛香,回味持久,精致。A fragrant, ripe, full fruited bouquet, which is confirmed on the palate. A generous, supple texture with distinctive hazelnut and spice nuances which carry into a persistent finish of great finesse.

试验结果表明,经过交配可获得在PDA培养基上及在稻草粉培养基上均生长旺盛,并可正常结实的杂交种。The result showed that the hybrid strain grown vigorously with abundant aerial and horizontal hyphae and fruited normally on PDA medium and straw powder medium could be obtained through hybridization.