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弗丽达和简披露出这一新闻。Frieda and Jan break the news.

菲瑞达的工作速度很快,整个办公室没有人可以跟得上。Frieda works so fast that no one in the office can keep up with her.

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我认识到在物质上我能给弗丽达提供的东西是微乎其微的。I realise that there is very little that I can offer Frieda materially.

他认识到他在物质上能给予弗里达的帮助实在是微不足道的。He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially.

一九一五年,斯德哥尔摩,弗利德和加斯特斯·褒曼夫妇张开双臂,欢迎他们美丽的女儿来到这个世界上。In 1915in Stockholm, Frieda and Justus Bergman welcomed home their beautiful baby daughter.

他说了许多关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda , but Angela didn't know and he knew she didn't know.

亲爱的简,我和我的妻子想到你和弗里达就要结婚,都十分高兴。My dear Jane, my wife and I are both very happy at the thought that you and Frieda are going to be married.

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更为重要的是,这位土地测量员为了接近巴纳巴斯姐妹而与弗丽达分了手。Even more significant is the fact that the Land Surveyor breaks with Frieda in order to go toward the Barnabas sisters.

因为,无论是弗丽达卡还是阿玛丽娅、这些卡夫卡笔下的主人公所追寻的道路正是那条从相信爱情到把荒谬奉若神灵的道路。For the path pursued by Kafka's hero from Frieda to the Barnabas sisters is the very one that leads from trusting love to the deification of the absurd.

接着到了1966年,博物馆新建了弗里达希夫沃伯格纪念雕塑园来展出其中约200件用石料、红土和铁块制成的作品。Then, in 1966, the museum built the Frieda Schiff Warburg Memorial Sculpture Garden to display roughly 200 pieces of stone carving, terra cotta, and ironwork.