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目的提高十二指肠球部溃疡的诊断率。Objective To improve the diagnostic rate of duodenal bulbar ulcer.

蚕蚀性角膜溃疡的球结膜可能起着局部淋巴结作用。Bulbar conjunctiva may act as a local lymph node of Mooren's ulcer.

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结论蚕蚀性角膜溃疡的球结膜可能起着局部淋巴结作用。Bulbar conjunctiva may act as a local lymph node of Mooren's ulcer.

结论利咽冰棒配合针刺治疗球麻痹疗效确切。Conclusion Liyan Ice Bar has a sure curative effect on bulbar paralysis.

结论蚕蚀性角膜溃疡的球结膜可能起着局部淋巴结作用。Conclusion Bulbar conjunctiva may act as a local lymph node of Mooren's ulcer.

目的观察利咽冰棒配合针刺治疗球麻痹的临床疗效。Objective To observe the curative effect of Liyan Ice Bar on bulbar paralysis.

K19主要表达在穹窿部及球结膜上皮细胞。K19 was obsevred mainly in the epithelium on the fornix and the bulbar conjunctiva.

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延髓麻痹,亦称球麻痹,为声音嘶哑,吞咽困难和饮水反呛的一组证候群。Bulbar paralysis is mainly manifested as difficulty in swallowing, horse voice and gastric reflex.

结论给具有球麻痹症状的病人行MRA检查,是理想、无创伤的有效方法。Conclusion MRA was an ideal and noninvasive method for the diagnosis of bulbar paralysis syndrome.

自口咽中吸入细菌可在牙科麻醉时发生,亦可在延髓麻痹时发生。Aspiration of bacteria from the oropharynx may follow dental anaesthesia and can occur in bulbar palsies.

结论胃肠道双对比造影对诊断十二指肠球部溃疡具有重要价值。Conclusion The double contrast radiography of gastrointestinal tract is valuable in diagnosis of duodenal bulbar ulcer.

视网膜病变严重的糖尿病患者眼球结膜微血流流态的障碍更为严重。Significant abnormality of blood flow in the bulbar conjunctiva was found in the diabetics with proliferative retinopathy.

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结论SS患者球结膜有显著的病理改变和免疫细胞异常。Conclusion There are obvious histopathologic changes and abnormality of immunocyte in bulbar conjunctiva in patients with SS.

结论本病是一组慢性进行性下运动神经元疾病,病变可累及延髓。Conclusions PSMA is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that selectively affected the lower motor neuron and bulbar function.

因此,预备一个水果盆,将一些水晶泥铺满整个盆底,覆盖鲜花的球根即可。Accordingly, prepare basin of a fruit, a few crystal mud bespreads whole basin bottom, those who enclothe a flower is bulbar can.

延髓麻痹包括真性延髓麻痹和假性延髓麻痹,是神经科常见的疑难危重症。Bulbar paralysis is a common stubborn and severe disease in department of neurology, including true paralysis and pseudoparalysis.

结论视力光感以下、球结膜水肿、结膜下大量出血、眼压低及前房积血为隐匿性巩膜破裂伤的诊断依据。Conclusion Visual acuity below light sense, bulbar conjunctival edema, subconjunctival hemorrhage, hypotension and hyphema are the basis of diagnosis.

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采用印迹细胞学法取得被测定者的球结膜上皮细胞,用扫描电镜观察眼表的超微结构变化。The bulbar conjunctiva was obtained by impression cytology, and the microstructure of conjunctiva was observed under the scanning electron microscopy.

无分泌物、结膜无充血、膜无水肿、房无炎症及晶体无混浊等改变。Some changes such as secretions, bulbar conjunctival congestion, corneal edema, anterior chamber inflammation and crystal body nubecula did not appear.

然而,延髓症状在发病初期并不常见,两位有症状的患者几乎完全为锥体系受累表现另外两位患者无症状。Bulbar symptoms, however, were infrequent at onset and two symptomatic patients had an almost pure pyramidal involvement. Two subjects were asymptomatic.