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你有吹风机吗?Do you have an electric drier?

我正在用吹风机吹干头发。I'm drying my hair with a drier now.

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你注意到你的皮肤正在变得更干燥吗?Have you noticed that your skin is getting drier?

油块越干燥,橙色就越深。The drier the oil got, the more orange it became.

吹风机与电熨斗已经成为普及的居家电器。Hair drier and electric iron is popular in our life.

后整理在松式烘干机上进行。After-treatment is carried out on a tensionless drier.

烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish.

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经过了几代人,较干燥的土地慢慢地住上了人。The drier lands peopled slowly through several generations.

肾脏描害可能更旱更重的出现。The kidney traces harms possibly a drier heavier appearance.

这样它们就能在更炎热、更干旱的条件下存活。This would allow them to thrive in hotter, drier conditions.

我洗完头用吹风机吹干头发。I dry my hair with an electric hair drier after washing hair.

这个粉底对成熟皮肤和干皮来说是最好的。This foundation is best for someone with drier or mature skin.

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介绍了一种蓄能型压缩空气冷冻干燥机。An energy storage freezing drier of compressed air was introduced.

但是由于缺水,它们已经在较干燥的土壤上生根了。But due to the lack of water, they have taken root in much drier soil.

岚县气候变化有向暖干化发展的趋势。The trend of climate change in Lan County was becoming warmer and drier.

每5KG用塑膜真空封装,并装入干燥剂。Product Intro Each 5KG be packed in a vacuumed polybag, enclosed with drier.

速率变大,湿润地区就会更加潮湿,而干旱地区则更加干燥。This higher rate seems to make wet regions more sodden, and arid ones drier.

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在干燥的地区,他们于潮湿地区周围被发现,这样以保持自身水分。In drier areas, they are found around wet or damp areas that retain moisture.

他们这样做是为了让人们可以用电吹风吹干他们的头发!They do this so that people can dry their hair using an electric hair drier !

经加工的奶酪,类似于村舍式干酪,但结构上更干更紧。An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.