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取消租赁。Lease cancellation.

这看上去是标准的契约书。Look like a standard lease.

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他们放弃了租契。They're abandoning the lease.

您的房客是否有租契?Does your tenant have a lease?

租约下个月满期。The lease runs out next month.

租赁契约在1999年到期。The 99-year lease expired in 1999.

我们租一年的房子才住了4个月。We are 4 months into our year lease.

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我要签十二个月的租金吗?Do I have to sign a twelve-month lease?

她以九十九年的租约买下这种房子。She bought the house on a 99-year lease.

他们就租约的条件进行谈判。They bargained over the terms of a lease.

你必须满足租凭合约所要求的条款内容。You must satisfy the terms of your lease.

我们的钱已用完,租约又到期了。Our funds had run out and our lease was up.

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指依资本租赁契约所承租之资产。Assets leased under capital lease contracts.

而黑仁的租约快到期了。The lease on Heather's apartment is up soon.

现在中层有一个出租单位。The mid-level has one vacant unit for lease.

现在中层有一个出租房子的。The mid-level has one vacant unit for lease.

他们办理了租用7英亩土地的契约手续。They took out a lease on a seven-acre field.

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夏季的日子又未免太短暂。And summer's lease hath all too short a date.

你理解这份租赁契约中的所有条款吗?Do you understand all the terms of the lease?

但是这份加油机租赁合同一直未被通过。But the tanker lease contract never went through.