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漆器银和铜标本清洗后,将让他们展现了很长的时间。Lacquering silver and copper specimens after cleaning will keep them bright for a long time.

独特的活化剂成分解决了着色前需单独扩孔活化的弊病,有利于封孔和电泳。Unique activator enable easy coloring and effective sealing. Produce better result with lacquering.

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漆画是综合绘画与漆艺艺术于一体的一个崭新画种。Lacquer painting is integrated with the lacquering integration of the arts in painting a brand-new species.

那么,它的漆工艺为何能实现突飞猛进并形成自己独特的个性漆语言呢?Then, why could its lacquering technology advance by leaps and bounds and form its unique lacquering language?

她更希望展现出古巴的设计主题,阿里亚加建议去寻找真正的烟叶并将它们漆器在墙上。She wanted to incorporate a Cuban theme, so Arriaga suggested finding real tobacco leaves and lacquering them to the wall.

因为无论如何,素板的价格还是相对低廉的,加上油漆工的漆工费也不会超过100元一个平方米。Because anyhow, the price of element board is relatively low still, the lacquering cost that increases painter also won't exceed 100 yuan a square metre.

在国外透明粉末涂层已应用到轿车车身的罩光涂层和车辆的罩光涂层。The clear- lacquering coating of the clear- lacquering coating that in abroad transparent and pulverous coating already used car automobile body and car.

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产品经过五遍打、多遍喷漆表面光滑细腻,防污染易清洁、耐擦洗。The product is scrubbed by that five time, fighting , smoothing much outside all over lacquering is exquisite , anti-pollution Yi is clean , are able to bear.

汉代的轮轴工艺已经稳定成型,它的结构包涵着金工、木工、漆工、革工等工艺内容,代表着一个时代的机械技术水平。They involve a series of technologies such as metalworking, woodworking, lacquering and tanning, representing the culmination of science and technology of an age.

印刷工艺和次序没有任何限制,任何一个印刷头可以印刷,或上光,或固化干燥。There are no limitations to the sequence of the processes, i. e. there are no dedicated stations in which the print head can only be fitted, or the lacquering unit, or the curing system.