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六尺。Six feet.

他身高7英尺。He tops 7 feet.

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哎哟,我的脚很痛.Ow,my feet hurt!

跺你的脚。Stomp your feet.

摸你的脚。Touch your feet.

看看我的脚吧。Look at my feet".

我拜倒在你脚下。I am at your feet.

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您的脚肿了吗?Do your feet swell?

一只螃蟹有十只脚。A crab has ten feet.

他身高六尺。He is six feet tall.

他的脚感觉沉重。His feet felt heavy.

周围是六呎厚的雪。In six feet of snow.

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这洞有六尺深。It is six feet deep.

雪已积到十尺深。Snow four feet deep.

稳定你的脚。Stabilize your feet.

还有你的臭脚。And your smelly feet.

他身高五尺八寸。He is five feet high.

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袜子是湿的,鞋子是湿的,就连脚丫也冷冰冰的。Wet shoes. Cold feet.

你有法国人的基本特征。You have French feet.

你的脚很脏。Your feet are filthy.