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正是艺术,创造了伟大的“利维坦。Through art, again, is created the great Leviathan.

除非你牺牲两张海岛,否则海怪此回合不能攻击。Sacrifice two islands during your upkeep phase to untap Leviathan.

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在利维坦评价工作预计在2011年初开始,诺布尔说。Appraisal work at Leviathan is anticipated to begin in early 2011, Noble said.

如此结合起来的群众称作国家。这个“利维坦”是一个凡间的神。A multitude so united is called a commonwealth. This "Leviathan" is a mortal God.

“海怪梅尔韦雷”的颅骨化石和下颌骨化石在秘鲁沙漠的岩石中找到。Leviathan mellvillei's fossil skull and jawbone were discovered in these Peruvian-desert rocks.

利维坦出现的形式是一个庞大的海蛇有七头,是男用和女用。Leviathan appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female.

根据犹太传说,上帝本来创造了公母两只海中怪兽,但后来杀死了母怪兽。According to Jewish tradition, God created a male and female leviathan but then killed the female.

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你曾砸碎鳄鱼的头,把他给旷野的禽兽为食物。It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave him as food to the creatures of the desert.

他超凡的个性向人们展示出,跟怪兽作战时也有可能享受乐趣。His wonderful personality demonstrated to one and all that it is possible to have fun while fighting leviathan.

美国皇家加勒比游轮公司在佛罗里达劳德代尔堡揭开了海洋绿洲号游轮的神秘面纱。The 225, 000-tonne leviathan was shown unveiled at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, by the US company Royal Caribbean.

没有一个如凯恩斯所言的利维坦国家,这些政策都无法想象,也许这才是最糟的部分。Perhaps the worst part of these policies is that they are inconceivable without a leviathan state, exactly as Keynes said.

沙度水怪是潜行于那卜水中的可怕巨大怪兽,牠的名字适切的显示了牠庞大的体型和惊人的胃口。A fearsome leviathan lurking the waters of Naboo, the sando aqua monster is aptly named for its prodigious size and monstrous appetite.

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双十字绣,也称为利维坦针或称为士麦那十字绣,结合一个堂堂正正的十字绣1十字绣。The double cross-stitch, also known as a Leviathan stitch or Smyrna cross stitch, combi nes a cross-stitch with an upright cross-stitch.

他闯入每日的阳光里,犹如一头深海巨兽破水而出,轻快地,愉悦地,一丝不苟地将一切僵化守旧那光滑艳丽的伪装撕个粉碎。He comes into the light of every-day like a great leviathan of the deep, breaking the smooth surface of accepted things, gay, serious, sportive.

本文将“人”和“国家”视为具有因果关系的两个名词,从人到国家的运动揭示了利维坦诞生的可能性和必要性。The author regards human and state as two nouns with a causal relationship which reveals the possibility and necessity of the birth of Leviathan.

某天下午我在这里观看了消防人员练习水下营救。One afternoon I watch firefighters practice underwater rescues there. They emerge shining like seals in their wet suits and talking of a leviathan.

卡拉思带着大批部队和他指挥的旗舰——“阻绝者级”巡洋舰“巨兽号”,向西斯尊主瑞文效忠。He transferred his allegiance to the Sith Lord Revan, taking with him a large number of troops and the Interdictor flagship he commanded, the Leviathan.

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据诺布尔能源“利维坦代表了该公司历史上最大的勘探与16万亿立方英尺的天然气资源总意味着成功。”According to Noble Energy, "Leviathan represents the largest exploration success in the company's history, with gross mean resources of 16 tcf of natural gas."

他在那句话里的说话,在引言里,我刚刚读过,号称“国民的整体“或“国家“的这个庞然大物,是用艺术造成的Now, his language in that sentence that I just read from the introduction, "For by art", again, "is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state."

他在那句话里的说话,在引言里,我刚刚读过,号称“国民的整体“或“国家“的这个庞然大物,是用艺术造成的“Now, his language in that sentence that I just read from the introduction, "For by art", again, "is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state."