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16个星期的时候,我做了羊水穿刺测试。At 16 weeks, I was offered an amniocentesis test.

以接受过或为接受过羊膜穿刺术被分为2组。Two groups were derived- those who did or did not undergo amniocentesis.

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羊膜穿刺术是出生前检测非整倍体的金标准。Amniocentesis is the standard prenatal detection procedure for aneuploidy.

的例子,诊断测试,包括羊膜穿刺术和绒毛取样。Examples of diagnostic tests include amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling.

目的探讨羊膜腔穿刺术超声定位的有关问题。Objective To investigate some questions about ultrasound localization of amniocentesis.

治疗一些类型的先天性肾上腺增生性肥大能够运用诸如羊水诊断或绒毛膜取样的产前检查被发现。Treatment Some forms of CAH can be detected in prenatal tests like amniocentesis or villus sampling.

羊膜穿刺术是美国在妊娠期最常女性都会感到害怕。Amniocentesis is the most commonly prescribed invasive test performed during pregnancies in the United States.

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本研究旨在探讨高龄孕妇获知羊膜穿刺术至实际执行之经历。This study explores the experienced of advanced maternal age from being informed amniocentesis to actual implement.

更普遍的一个测试叫做羊膜穿刺术,是怀孕15周到18周期间被用来检测染色体异常的。A more common test called amniocentesis is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities between the 15th and 18th weeks.

不久你将或者得到一次超声波检验或者羊膜穿刺术检查的结果,它们都可以判定出婴儿的性别。You’ll either be getting an ultrasound or the results of your amniocentesis soon, both of which can determine gender.

本研究之结果有助于临床上提供给孕妇更合宜之遗传谘询,并更能掌握其情绪变化及考量。The findings of this study have important implications for the delivery of pre- amniocentesis counseling for clinical practice.

与三重检验相比,羊膜穿刺术更具有攻击性,它要求用针穿过腹部来提取羊水样本。Amniocentesis is much more invasive than the triple screen, requiring a needle to extract a sample of the amniotic fluid through the abdomen.

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我的医生建议我跳过三重检验而直接进行羊膜穿刺术,因为在生第一个孩子的时候我快要过35岁了。My doctor advised skipping the triple screen and going straight to the amniocentesis since I was going to be over 35 at the birth of my first child.

病人们被募集来参加非整数倍的筛选,FASTER测验的目的之一是预测当代妊娠中期羊膜穿刺术相关的流产率。One of the purposes of the FASTER trial was to calculate the contemporary procedure-related loss rate after midtrimester amniocentesis using patients who were recruited for aneuploidy screening.

近来,许多研究表明羊水中含有胎儿的干细胞,这些细胞能否应用于干细胞和组织工程学领域成为研究热点。Recent observations on cell cultures from amniotic fluid obtained by second-trimester amniocentesis provide evidence that they may represent a new source for the isolation of multipotent stem cells.

高危产妇一般接受扫描和荷尔蒙检查,以确定是否需要进行羊膜穿刺术和绒毛取样等侵入性检查。Women in high risk groups tend to undergo a combination of scans and hormone level tests in order to determine if they need to have an invasive test such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.

报告指出,“监测胎儿健康状况的现代诊断技术,例如羊膜穿刺术和超声波,使得妊娠早期的性别确定成为可能。”"Modern diagnostic techniques for monitoring the health of a fetus, such as amniocentesis and ultrasound, hae made it possible to ascertain sex in the earliest phase of gestation, " the report stated.