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我应该给宴会承办者打一个电话。I've got to call a caterer.

你结婚的时候有请外烩吗?Did you hire a caterer for you wedding?

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那个备办宴席者供给食物与招待。That caterer furnishes both food and maids.

它是本市价格第二贵的餐饮服务商。It is the second most expensive caterer in the city.

我们可以请一个厨师到我们家来,为晚会准备吃的。We had a caterer come to our house and make food for the party.

约翰•柯耶斯基打电话给住在德尔雷海滩的酒席承办商杰克•雅各布斯。Krayeski called Jack Jacobs, a caterer who lives in Delray Beach.

工厂聘请外部的饮食服务公司在厂内煮饭。The facility hired a caterer to cook in the facility for employees.

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简向宴会组织者要了一份和摩根夫妇的婚礼宴会差不多的菜谱。Jane asked the caterer for a menu along the lines of the Morgans' wedding reception.

了解如何从专业的厨师辣餐饮服务商在此免费烹饪影片去骨里脊牛排。Learn how to cook spicy boneless tenderloin steaks from a professional caterer in this free cooking video.

米歇尔·嘉娜特是一位厨师与餐饮提供商,1984年来到香港之前,她已经游历了三个大洲。Michelle Garnaut was a caterer and cook who'd roamed across three continents when she arrived in Hong Kong in 1984.

沃金俱乐部十分沉痛和遗憾地向大家宣布球队前主教练布莱恩-卡特雷尔去世的消息。It is with deep sadness and regret that Woking Football Club has to announce the death of former manager Brian Caterer.

你将能够和酒席承办商,花商,乐队尤其是场所提供者进行协商。You’ll be able to negotiate a better rate with everyone from your caterer to florist and band, and the venue will be more negotiable.

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了解如何打破在此免费制作影片的教训,从我们的专业餐饮服务商和食品专家的意大利面食清洁电动面食制造商。Learn how to break down the electric pasta maker for cleaning in this free pasta making video lesson from our expert caterer and Italian food expert.

作为主人,你最重要的任务是和客人在一起——如果你想准备丰盛的食物,又想和客人在一起,那就考虑请一个专门的宴会负责人吧。Your job as host is to be with the guests – if you want a fancy food, considering hiring a caterer to do the preparations while you're with the guests.

作为主人,你的职责是陪伴客人,如果你希望为聚会提供精美的食物,不如请专业的餐饮服务商来代你准备吧,这样你才能腾出空来陪客人呀。Your job as host is to be with the guests – if you want a fancy food, considering hiring a caterer to do the preparations while you're with the guests.

学习如何正确干燥电动面食制造商在这个自由面食制作影片的教训,从我们的专业餐饮服务商和食品专家的意大利面食。Learn how to properly dry your pasta for an electric pasta maker in this free pasta making video lesson from our expert caterer and Italian food expert.

切尔西坚持素食已有十年之久,这次她邀请餐饮界翘楚奥利弗·陈为婚宴素食者掌勺。Chelsea has been a vegan for more than ten years and instructed society caterer Olivier Cheng to provide vegetarian and vegan dishes for the wedding feast.

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了解一些伟大的酱选项在这个自由烹饪的专家餐饮供应商及意大利食品专家视频课,你可以选择一个电动面条机。Learn about some great sauce options you can choose from for an electric pasta maker in this free cooking video lesson from our expert caterer and Italian food expert.

因为G是这个城市第二贵的,他们的价格过去三年里一直在涨,而且不给饮食有特殊要求的供餐。It is the second most expensive caterer in the city. In addition, its prices have risen in each of the last three years, and it refuses to provide meals for people on special diets.

记者联系印度航空,公司公关部的高级经理达南杰库马尔表示,“印度航空严重关注此事,已经立即通告提供飞机餐的有关公司。When contacted, the airline's senior manager for corporate communications Dhananjay Kumar said, "Air India took serious note of the incident and issued notice to the caterer concerned immediately."