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以你所知道的来看,他们是为托勒密做事。For your information, they work for Ptolemy XIII.

由儿子托勒密二世继承了他的王位。He was succeeded by his son, Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

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他去世后,克娄巴特拉和她的其他兄弟统治托勒密十四号。After his death, Cleopatra ruled with her other brother Ptolemy the Fourteenth.

公元前304年,在亚历山大逝世周年的祭祀典礼上,托勒密加冕成为埃及法老。Ptolemy was crowned pharaoh in 304 B.C. on the anniversary of Alexander's death.

我出生的时候,我的父亲就已经是埃及法老,他名叫托勒密十二世。My father was the Pharaoh of Egypt when I was born, and his name was Ptolemy XII.

托勒密家族比较容易区分,因为他们都叫托勒密。The Ptolemies are easier to keep straight because they tended to all be named Ptolemy.

18岁时,莱西马库斯去世,她改嫁给了同父异母的兄弟托勒密·克劳努斯。When, 18 years later, Lysimachus died, she married her half-brother, Ptolemy Keraunus.

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他是谁?一个来自亚历山大贫民窟的,象托勒密一样的卑劣的人?Who was he? A lowlife from the slums of Alexandria who hangs out with the likes of Ptolemy?

虽然通常人们会说哥白尼证明托勒密是错的,但这样说不对。Although it is not uncommon for people to say Copernicus proved Ptolemy wrong, that is not true.

庞培从法萨罗逃亡埃及,在那里,法老托勒密十三世下达命令将其暗杀。Pompey fled from Pharsalus to Egypt, where he was assassinated on the order of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII.

克利奥帕特拉七世是托勒密王朝的最后一位皇后,作为摄政者与其儿子托勒密十五世共同统治国家。Cleopatra VII was the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling as co-regent with her son, Ptolemy XV.

她的祖先来自一个长行的统治者托勒密开始,第一和克娄巴特拉结束。Her ancestors came from a long line of rulers that began with Ptolemy the First and ended with Cleopatra.

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托勒密四世是公元前332年-公元前30年托勒密时期几名统治埃及的希腊王室成员之一。Ptolemy IV was one of several Greek royals who ruled Egypt during the Ptolemaic period, from 332 to 30 B. C.

西尔维猜测日食一定发生在亚历山大附近并且大约在同一时间托勒密·奥雷特斯死去。Cauville reckons the solar eclipse must have occurred in Alexandria at around the same time that Ptolemy Auletes died.

许多人相信太阳绕地球旋转,即古希腊学者Ptolemy于公元150年建立的地心说。Many believed the sun revolved around the Earth, with ancient Greek scholar Ptolemy formalizing this "geocentric" model in 150.

托勒密增加了天体环形运行轨道的本轮,为了使他的模型可以精确的描述运动。Ptolemy added epicycles to the circular orbits of the heavenly bodies in order that his model might accurately describe their motion.

托勒密二世是第一个治理埃及的将领,他的子嗣就叫二世,三世,四世,以此类推。Ptolemy II was the first general who ruled Egypt, and then his descendants would be named II,III, and IV and that sort of--and so forth.

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当设法解释夜空中的五颗行星为何好象沿着不规则的轨道运行时,托勒密脑海中闪现出一个观念,他称之为“本轮”。Trying to describe how the five planets in the night sky followed seemingly irregular paths, Ptolemy hit upon an idea he called epicycles.

有关漩涡星系形成的公认观念可以追溯到近2,000年以前、公元二世纪时埃及数学家托勒密提出的一个观点。Current thinking about how spiral galaxies form trac es back to an idea nearly 2 millennia old, to 2nd-century Egyptian mathematician Ptolemy.

他的将领托勒密二世占领了埃及王国,这非常非常重要,因为埃及是古代最富庶的地区之一。His general Ptolemy II got the Kingdom of Egypt, which was very,very important because Egypt was one of the wealthiest parts of the ancient world.