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运转到籽粒中的光合产物最初以蔗糖的形式存在。Photosynthate transported into grain exists in the form of sucrose at first.

同时遮荫还改变物质运输分配到各器官的比例。Different shading treatments also affected the allocation of photosynthate to various organs.

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结果表明,灌溉明显改善小麦灌浆期光合产物的供应及转化。The results showed that irrigation affected photosynthate supplement and conversion remarkably.

然而,除了该中心外,其它器官或组织也能获得一定数量的光合产物。Besides the center, however, other organs or tissues also got a certain amount of the photosynthate.

桐林不同生育期的光合产物在各器官中的分配比例不同。The distribution of the photosynthate in the tree's various organs differed from one growing phase to another.

同化物分子和水分子在韧皮部的运输存在多速率现象。The result shows that the photosynthate and the water from xylem transportation in phloem are closely interrelated.

花后光合产物用于籽粒充实的比例大,库源间流的通畅性好。More photosynthate was translated to grains after flowering, and the flow was unimpeded between the sink and the source.

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由于光合产物积累减少,增施氮肥使旗叶可溶性糖含量降低。Because accumulation of photosynthate decreased, the increase in the N fertilizer made soluble sugar content in flag leaves reduce.

水稻籽粒灌浆物质主要来自于抽穗前茎鞘贮藏物质及抽穗后的光合产物,前者约占三分之一。The grain filling substance mainly comes from stem-sheath storage mater and photosynthate after heading, the former count for one third.

另外,由于高成穗率群体后期光合产物向穗部的分配率增加,因此经济系数也得到明显的提高。In addition, as the percentage of photosynthate distribution to ears was increased, the economic coefficient was significantly increased.

因而,脱毒马铃薯光能利用率高,积累的光合产物多,有利于高产。Therefore, virus free potato has a higher energy utilization efficiency and more accumulated photosynthate which are of benefit to high yield.

叶片光合速率强度的降低是造成叶片光合产物输出速率下降的主要原因之一。This effect was positively correlated with decline of photosynthate export rate of the leaf and mainly attributed to the reduction of photosynthesis rate.

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叶片光合速率强度的降低是造成叶片光合产物输出速率下降的主要原因之一。This impact was positively correlated with decline of export rate of photosynthate of the leaf and mainly attributed to the reduction of photosynthesis rate.

而库的优先权描述的是各库器官需求同化物的优先次序,种子被认为是优先权最高的库。But the sink priority described the priority rank order of competetion for photosynthate between alternative sinks. Seeds had been described as high priority sinks.

作物高产不仅要求功能叶有较强的光合能力,而且还要求叶片中的光合产物有效地运输分配。High crop yield not only requires functional leaves with strong photosynthetic capability, but also requires photosynthate is transported and distributed effectively.

可见在鼓粒后期,当叶片光合功能开始衰退时,豆荚的光合产物对籽粒的贡献起到不容忽视的作用。It indicated that the seeds assimilates were compensated by soybean pods' photosynthate when their leaves photosynthetic capacity decreased at later pod-filling period.

这些微生物侵染植物并在根内形成特殊的结构,在这里,植物的光合产物与微生物所获得的养分以高度的可调节过程进行交换。These organisms infect and form specialized structures within roots where plant photosynthate and the nutrients captured by the micro-symbiont are exchanged through highly regulated processes.

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它们转化养分的潜能是最大的,因为一旦形成共生关系,微共生体就直接获取光合产物来供给这些过程能量。Energy potentials for nutrient transformation are highest since, once the symbiosis is established, the microsymbionts have exclusive, direct access to plant photosynthate to fuel these processes.

生理指标测定研究了大豆生长过程中不同时期豆荚光合产物对籽粒发育的影响。Photosynthate for seeds development in soybean pods at different pod-filling stage was studied by electron microscope autoradiography, liquid scintillation counter and physiological indexes measuring.