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甜菜泡沫?Beetroot froth?

巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。Giant waves froth the sand.

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此时这混合物会冒点小泡,你不必担心。The mixture will froth a bit, no worries.

接着,血沫开始从羊嘴里冒出来。Froth then started to bubble from its mouth.

然而,许多迹象表明这种泡沫的存在。Nevertheless, there are many signs of froth.

患狂犬病的动物经常口吐白沫。Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth.

他正满嘴唾沫,那唾沫便是那个字了。His mouth froths , and the froth is the word.

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你身上穿的这件细纱衣裳,就是从波浪里飞出来的浪花。And all this fluff of muslin about you is the froth.

洗衣之前先把皂液搅起泡沫。Before washing the clothes, froth up the soap mixture.

这些隐藏在香浓的泡沫之下的担心,有没有确凿的证据呢?Are there grounds for concern under the aromatic froth?

毛主义分子在强硬派阵营的极端边缘大喊大叫。The Maoists froth at the extreme fringe of the hardline camp.

意卡少用甚至不用奶,是用奶沫。For a "dry Cappuccino" use less or no milk and only use froth.

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有些人,连泡泡都没鼓一个就挂了。Some people, did not have drum one including the froth to hang.

这将从市场中挤出一些后衰退时期的泡沫.That's taking a little of the post-recessionary froth out of the market.

让我向你介绍甜菜泡沫汁拌牛排?May I introduce you to strip steak accompanied by an airy beetroot froth?

汤锅放奶汤,放白菜小料烧开,撇去沫。Put the creamy soup, cabbages and spices, boil them, skin away the froth.

皮损印片可见大量泡沫样组织细胞。The tabletting on the lesion showed a great quantity of froth histiocytes.

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他坦言也许房地产市场有点小泡泡,但绝不是泡沫His honest--he said, maybe froth in the real estate market but not a bubble.

为此,进行了浮选泡沫图像处理应用的研究。Therefore, application of the floatation froth image processing was studied.

他承认公司"在市场中提供了促成经济泡沬的若干因素".He acknowledged that the firm "contributed to elements of froth in the market."