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弗雷斯诺就是我的家,而我的家庭就在弗雷斯诺。Fresno was my place, and my family was my p

有一年,我的叔叔梅利做了一次从福勒斯诺到纽约的旅行。One year, my Uncle Mellie traveled from Fresno to New York.

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万荣说,最近有一名家庭成员打电话给她,要求她搬回弗雷斯诺。Vang said recently a family member called her, asking her to move back to Fresno.

今年4月,加州弗雷斯诺县的离婚率更是跌至5年来的最低水平。The divorce rate in Fresno County of California in April is the lowest in 5 years.

幸运的是在与快船的比赛中还是有很多人到场的。A game in Fresno against the Clippers would have been lucky to be that well-attended.

纳帕和弗雷斯诺的平均气温差是华氏5度。The difference in average temperature between Napa and Fresno was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

他曾经是加州弗雷斯诺的一位警官,并拥有一家私家侦探所。Once, he'd been a police officer in Fresno , California, and owned a private-eye agency.

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对于湖人队来说,在弗雷斯诺的这场季前赛,出现了一些情况。For the Lakers, it appears some aspects from their pre-season opener carried over in Fresno.

关于如何在这个自由街舞的视频在嘻哈舞蹈弗雷斯诺移动学习技术。Learn techniques on how to do a Fresno move in hip hop dancing in this free hip hop dance video.

万荣说,洪堡县的苗族,以及庆祝活动,并大规模活动是在弗雷斯诺。Vang said Humboldt County has a Hmong celebration as well, and a massive event is held in Fresno.

在加州的一些城市如弗雷斯诺、默塞德和埃尔森特罗,失业率已经超过了底特律。In such Californian cities as Fresno , Merced and El Centro, jobless rates are higher than in Detroit.

报道还称,来自其他国家的潜在投资者也将在未来的几个月里访问弗雷斯诺。The report also said potential investors from other countries will also visit in the next few months, Fresno.

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报道指出,此前有媒体称中国希望承建弗雷斯诺的列车、铁轨和生产设备制造。Reported that, after media said that China hopes the construction of Fresno train, rail and production equipment.

美国加利福尼亚中南部一城市,位于圣华金山各内弗雷斯诺市东南,为加工业中心。人口33,249。A city of south-central California southeast of Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley. It is a processing center. Population, 33,249.

图革尔美国加利福尼亚中南部一城市,位于圣华金山各内弗雷斯诺市东南,为加工业中心。人口33,249。A city of south-central California southeast of Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley. It is a processing center. Population, 33, 249.

“计划生育”组织的佩德罗•艾里艾斯说,弗雷斯诺的年轻人自恃“大男子气概”,因此较少使用避孕套。Pedro Elías of Planned Parenthood says machismo persists among young Latinos in Fresno , making them less inclined to use condoms.

慈济北加州分会志工因为无私付出和服务,获市政府颁奖表扬。Tzu Chi volunteers of Fresno branch in Northern California receive an award from the city government for their dedication and service.

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马德罗美国加利福尼亚中部的一个城市,位于弗雷兹诺西北部,圣华金河谷。它是一个工业和加工业中心。人口29,281。A city of central California in the San Joaquin Valley northwest of Fresno. It is an industrial and processing center. Population, 29, 281.

美国加利福尼亚州中部,弗雷斯诺东南偏南的城市。它是圣华金河谷内商业和加工业中心。人口30,897。A city of central California south-southeast of Fresno. It is a trade and processing center for the San Joaquin Valley. Population, 30,897.

加利福尼亚的贝克尔斯菲尔德和弗雷斯诺在排行榜中垫底,因为这两个城市的贫困率高,在主要评比项中得分较低。Bakersfield and Fresno in California came in at the very bottom of the list because their high poverty rate and low scores in the major categories.