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简言之,它是精致细腻的。It is, in a word, exquisite.

这句隽永而极著名的诗That exquisite and celebrated verse

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食品和服务都是很精致的。The food and service are exquisite.

那些紫罗兰是优美的花。Those violets are exquisite flowers.

你的低开领新装很精致。Your new low-cut dress is exquisite.

精到!可以抠下二两金子。Exquisite ! It values two Liang gold.

她的上衣上别一枚别致的胸花做为点缀。An exquisite flower adorned her dress.

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这个竹刻工艺品相当精美。This bamboo carving is very exquisite.

精美的壁画,堪称绝代佳品。Exquisite frescos , can Jiapin peerless.

月下桃花的绝伦又怎论之?How exquisite the next month of the peach?

女主人在衣著上有个细腻的品味。The hostess had exquisite taste in clothes.

抱厦上绘有精美的壁画。There is an exquisite fresco on that porch.

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茶桌上放着一套精美的茶具。There is an exquisite tea set on the table.

这种新巧的设计获得了大奖。This new exquisite design won a large prize.

我的脸看起来会更有骨感,更加精致。I will look more sophisticated and exquisite.

剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft.

后门边由精致的黑板报。The postern by exquisite blackboard newspaper.

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这花瓶工艺很精。This vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship.

随着一种强烈的解放感,我醒来了。With a sense of exquisite liberation, I awoke.

精致小巧之流行设计。The exquisite and exquisite prevalences design.