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但我们在增加产量。But we are increasing.

每20年可提高的增长率Increasing growth every 20 years

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希望麋鹿家族越来越兴旺!I wish elks increasing prosperity!

在那里,应该是增加的。And there, it should be increasing.

对钢的询盘在增加。Inquiries for steel are increasing.

酗酒之风正在增长。The vice of drinking is increasing.

在你船左舷处的船正在加速。Vessel port of you increasing speed.

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的产量正在增长。The outputs of creamery are increasing.

它是一个仅增加的数字。It is a monotonically increasing number.

塑料纱管日益增多。Plastic bobbins and tubes are increasing.

热浪发生的频率正在加快。The frequency of heatwaves is increasing.

大西洋盐度增加。Increasing salinity in the Atlantic Ocean.

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但是现在越来越多的女孩都打猎。But an increasing number of girls now hunt.

游客占了增长的交通量的一部分。Tourists are part of the increasing traffic.

就是普遍的不平等现象还在加剧。a sharply increasing in common inequalities.

渴望能与你方加强业务往来。Desirous of increasing our business with you.

目前丁克家庭的数量正在不断增加。Dinky families keep on increasing at present.

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时间很迟了,但听众人数却在增加。It was late, but the audience was increasing.

第二部分是递增容度。The second part is the increasing capacities.

我用增加层数的办法来补偿。I compensated by increasing the number of plies.