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用汤来瘦身。Slim down with soup.

她身量修长。She is tall and slim.

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她身材苗条。She has a slim figure.

你靠节食来保持身材么?Do you diet to keep slim?

事实上你看上去很瘦了。Actually you look so slim.

胖女孩羡慕苗条的女孩。Fat girls envy slim girls.

她的手腕子纤巧极了。Her wrists were very slim.

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怎样才能让我的腰瘦下来呢?How can I slim down my waist?

挺帅的,高高的,瘦瘦的。He's cute. He's tall and slim.

我只喜欢高高瘦瘦的女孩子。I only like tall and slim girls.

一扇小门趁我稍不留神。A slim door got in past my guard.

我有白嫩的皮肤和优美的身材。I have smooth skin and slim shape.

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他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。He's a handsome man, tall and slim.

如今的“苗条”牌香烟,连价格也很“苗条”。Today's Slims At a very slim price.

他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。He is a handsome man, tall and slim.

我把她作为一个苗条的少女记得她。I remember her as a slim young girl.

我有良好的生活方式,有很好的苗条身材。I have a good lifestyle and slim body.

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她胡锂胡锂有时运微笑以一数字和甜。She had a slim figure and sweet smile.

她从衣袋里掏出一本极薄的书。She took a slim book out of her pocket.

隔行扫描电视支持已添加的PSP渺茫。TV support has been added for PSP slim.