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因此,效率是一种妄想。Efficiency is therefore a chimera.

嫁接嵌合体是嫁接杂种的一种类型。Graft chimera is a form of Graft hybrid.

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不同的物种也可以形成嵌合体。Different species can also form a chimera.

然而有趣的是,这并非仅仅我个人的遐想。Interestingly, though, it was not just my chimera.

表皮细胞接触处密生齿状突起,且互相嵌合。Contact with the epidermal cells of Health dentate processes, and mutual chimera.

由两个物种的细胞混合而诞生的动物,其科学术语唤作嵌合体。The scientific term for an animal with mingled cells from two species is chimera.

从经过辐照的水稻种子诱导多发苗可以减少嵌合体的发生。Chimera can be reduced by induction of multiple shoots from irradiated rice seeds.

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效率将会降低奇美拉射击、瞄准射击与奥术射击的集中值消耗。Efficiency will reduce the Focus cost of Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, and Arcane Shot.

许多心脏病患者移植了猪或牛的瓣膜,他们都是异种嵌合体。Many patients with heart transplant a pig or cow valves, they are dissimilar chimera.

我喜欢必要性辩护,因为它完美的论证了,我们“法治”的理念只不过是一个痴心妄想。I love it because it demonstrates perfectly that our belief in the "rule of law" is a chimera.

进一步分析了多段翼型使用嵌套网格的粘性求解技术。The Chimera grid technique for solving viscous flow field of the multi-element airfoil was studied.

我认为奈科维克制造了一种凯米拉病毒,并制造了贝拉尔芬抗毒素。I think Nekhorvich created a monster virus in chimera , and the anti-virus to kill it in Bellerophon.

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车身是通风而且防水的,它被制造用于两栖作战和生存在染毒环境中。The hull is air and watertight, making the Chimera both amphibious and survivable in a toxic environment.

我明白了所谓的“在工作中完善灵魂”不过是中产阶级们的异想天开。I grasped that the notion of intellectual or spiritual fulfilment in the workplace is a middle-class chimera.

采用嵌套网格技术处理桨盘与机翼间复杂的几何关系。The complicated geometrical relations between the disk and the high-lift systems are solved by using chimera grid technique.

可溶性蛋白含量嵌合体总体比毛白杨高,且两者在第15天变化相反。The soluble protein content in chimera was higher than that in P. tomentosa, and their changes were reverse on the 15th day.

了解如何识别有关非洲紫罗兰卑视小的和在这个自由幻想非洲紫罗兰园艺视频。Learn how to identify little mini's and chimera African violets in this free gardening video about caring for African violets.

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目的了解大鼠→兔异种造血嵌合体模型建立过程中受体兔体内的病理变化情况。AIM To observe the pathological reaction in rabbits in the process of establishing rats to rabbits disparate hematopoietic chimera model.

奇美拉装甲运兵车是一种极度耐用的履带式军用运输车,可搭载十二名乘客与三名乘员。The Chimera is a supremely durable tracked troop transport, with the ability to carry up to twelve passengers along with a crew of three.

目的在已建立的大鼠→兔异种造血嵌合体模型中,了解异种移植免疫耐受机制。AIM To explore the mechanism of immunotolerance of xenotransplantation in the established rat to rabbit heterogeneous hemopoietic chimera model.