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他们两个都是非卖品。Both of them are unreachable.

无法连线到目的连接埠。The destination port is unreachable.

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拖放开关的情况下,无法访问的代码?Drag and Drop switch case, unreachable code?

执行不到的代码不应当成为代码基的一部分。Unreachable code should not be part of a code base.

平地是大地向那永难企及的天际映现的绝望站姿。Hills are the earth's gesture of despair for the unreachable.

但我还是有一点害怕,害怕这只是一个遥不可及的梦。But I am a little afraid that it is just an unreachable dream.

高不可攀的塔从尘土飞扬的泥土表面伸出来。Unreachable towers protrude upwards from the dusty, earthy surface.

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同时由于山形险要、人迹难至,更增加了无尽的神秘色彩。And the steep cliffs and unreachable inside add more to its mystery.

这个列表不包含目前不可连接的那些片。This list does not contain the slices that are currently unreachable.

如果数据源不可访问或无效,就会出现这些错误。These errors can occur if the data sources are unreachable or invalid.

这个就不用我介绍了,曾经对我来说是遥不可及的梦想。一睹它的芳容还是让我感慨万千。PKU is a unreachable dream for me! Anyway I am still moved by its elegance.

您可能会猜想“目的地不可到达攻击”会是什么情形。You can probably guess what a "destination unreachable attack" will be like.

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亚洲人在食物方面的高花销。B. High h income ofAsians and unreachable Asian foods in local American shops.

他们在这座小镇和他们那公路无法到达的哈拉地区的乡村之间分配时间。They split their time between the town and their village of Harrå, unreachable by roads.

要正确设置NAT网络,必须选择一个从宿主机无法访问的网络地址。To setup NAT networking you need to select a network number that is normally unreachable from the host.

在这种时候,上帝似乎和在远方的山一样,在我们的视野中是如此的小和遥不可及。At such times, God seems as far away as a distant mountain, and we perceive Him as being small and unreachable.

怪人啊,怪人!爱慕无法企及的高度的人,你为什么要栖息在鹰隼都不筑巢的峰顶?Stranger, stranger, lover of unreachable heights, why dwell you among the summits where eagles build their nests?

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年月日,在阿富汗喀布尔四周的山路上拍摄的驮着票箱的驴子。A donkey transports ballot boxes to villages unreachable by vehicles in Panjshir province, north of Kabul September ,.

与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。Instead of complaining about the unreachable goal of immortality, you may as well live at your best and enjoy the ride!

碎裂--对于现有化石燃料的储存,水力压裂是一个颇有争议的开采方法。Fracking – Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial method for extracting fossil fuels from hitherto unreachable deposits.