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练习提问。Practice asking.

练习耐性。Practice patience.

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练习是很沈闷的。Practice is a bore.

这需要练习。This takes practice.

养成良好的卫生习惯。Practice good hygiene.

你们每天都练吗?Do you practice everyday?

我可以与他们一起练.I can practice with them.

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锻炼自律性。Practice self-discipline.

这需要勤加练习,It takes a lot of practice

他们会实践神秘主义吗?Do they practice occultism?

需要时间和一些练习。It takes time and practice.

男性也可以练瑜伽。Men can also practice yoga.

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多加练习这个句型。Practice the "who" pattern.

所以,熟能生巧。So, practice makes perfect.

我是说锻炼身体的练习。I mean working-out practice.

我练瑜珈来保持健康。I practice yoga to keep fit.

坐在小车上练英语。Practice English in the car.

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公共汽车上练英语。Practice English on the bus.

建立稳定的实习基地。Set up steady practice base.

时时刻刻都要使用该实践。Do the practice all the time.