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你真的要给他行洗礼吗,苔丝?Be you really going to christen him, Tess?

让我们为首次使用我们新的罗尔斯—罗伊斯汽车干上一杯。Let's have a drink to christen our new Rolls-Royce.

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中国媒体走得更远,已经开始起绰号了。China News has gone so far as to christen a nickname

为你的新卧室进行一整晚的性爱吧。Christen your new bedroom with a night of lovemaking.

用我们最后的性爱,给病床命名如何?And we christen the patients' bed with our final fuck.

让我们为使用我们新的雪利酒杯喝点儿酒。Let's have a drink to christen our new sherry glasses.

后来几年,他陆续在中东各地,命名了十数座诸如此类的城市。Over the next few years, he will christen a dozen more like it throughout the Middle East.

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在我们给白宫下个游泳池命名前,我们来欢迎最后一个简报。Welcome to the final briefing before we christen the next swimming pool here at the White House.

葛利多一直想要拥有自己的船,还把它命名为曼卡猎人号,准备拿来进行奖金猎人生涯的用途。Greedo longed to own the ship, and christen it the Manka Hunter, making it the vessel for his bounty hunting career.

在为前三个儿子取名为布鲁克林,克鲁兹和罗密欧之后,大家可不希望这对儿璧人给他们的女儿起个温蒂或者乔安娜之类的名字。Given that they named their three other kids Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo, no one expected the pair to christen their daughter Wendy or Joanne.

正如克里斯滕注意到的那样,富裕国家的一些农民已开始运用直升飞机来干扰自家农田上空的逆温层,保护作物免受霜冻。As Dr Christen observes, some farmers in rich countries already use helicopters to disrupt inversion layers above their fields and thus protect their crops from frost.

英国警方称,一名汇丰银行高管日前在伦敦一家五星级酒店用皮带自缢身亡,当时他全身赤裸,身旁有一封遗书。Christen Schnor, a 49-year-old top HSBC banker, was found naked in a London 5-star hotel suite with a note by his side after hanging himself with a belt, UK police said.