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他一生过得庸庸碌碌。He lived a futile life.

你的抵抗是无用的。Your resistance is futile.

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恐怕你会枉费心机。I am afraid you will be futile.

这是一个徒劳的目标,希钦斯说。It's a futile aim, says Hitchings.

硬要他们使用英语纯属徒劳。To require them to use English is futile.

意志越强,愈是徒劳无效。The stronger the will, the more futile the task.

所有这样的学说都是愚蠢与徒劳的。All such doctrines are equally stupid and futile.

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但对西斯而言,永生的追求只是枉然。But for a Sith, immortality was a futile pursuit.

遇到巧克力时,抵抗是无效的When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

那个没出息的青年人只会浪费钱。That futile young man does nothing but waste money.

这样做无疑像要驯服火山一样徒劳无功。This would be as futile as trying to tame a volcano.

因一次进攻失败,他们全部被杀,无一幸免。They are killed, to the last man, in a futile attack.

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因为方法不对,你的努力都是白费蜡。Your efforts turned out futile due to incorrect methods.

而那些非理性的力量则在无益的倾轧中互相毁灭。The forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife.

我们不对付全球变暖的斗争,因为以这样做是徒劳的。We do not fight global warming because it is futile to do so.

让他们幸福成功,让我们呆傻无用。Let them be happy and prosper, and let me be foolishly futile.

如今落红遍地,我却等待而又留连。And now with the burden of faded futile flowers I wait and linger.

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若不持守三昧耶,受灌顶也徒劳。It is futile to receive empowerments if you do not keep the samayas.

他烧的头几把火之一是认为继承保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。In one of his first moves he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile.

卡尔扎伊则表示这一刺杀事件表明和平的努力是徒劳无功的。Karzai has cited the killing as a reason why peace efforts are futile.