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第三是要深化外贸体制改革。Third, deepen reforming trade system.

但是革命可能会是改革文字。It might, however, be reforming orthography.

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各种迹象都表明他们在变好。There is every indication that they are reforming.

最后,在这里,我祝各国能够革故鼎新。Finally, here, I wish countries to reforming the past.

催化重整装置风机在线监测系统。Online monitoring system for fan on catalyst reforming unit.

三是投资体制改革取得积极进展。Third, we made positive progress in reforming the investment system.

你们是龙灯瑞迪的新鲜血液,这也是2008年的改革成果。You are the new blood of KRRP, which is the reforming fruit of 2008.

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建立雇主品牌战略成为未来中国饭店人力资源管理战略变革的方向。BBS is the way of human resource strategy reforming for China hotels.

为什麽要改革加拿大原住民权益的陋法如此困难?Why reforming Canada’s unpopular laws on indigenous rights is so hard

通过改变电路结构来改善VCO相位噪声性能。VCO phase noise preformance is improved by reforming circuit geometry.

然后,提出转贷模式的改造要求。Then, we propose the need for reforming the models of transfers of loans.

喻国明是负责节目改革的专家组成员之一。Yu was also involved in the panel charged with reforming the news program.

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解放思想是改革开放的思想先导。To emancipate the mind is the precursor of reforming and opening-up policy.

人会赞成你的关于改革政体的不切的计划。Nobody would approve your ideal plans for reforming the system of government.

与通常认为的相比,保守党更渴望改革政府的工作方式。The party is keener on reforming how government works than is often appreciated.

二氧化碳是甲烷、丙烷或石脑油的蒸气重整的一个副产品。Carbon dioxide is a by-product of steam reforming of methane, propane or naphtha.

最关键的是,建任何联盟都不应被视为是改革联合国的替代品。And, crucially, any league must not be seen as an alternative to reforming the UN.

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如何加快体育产业化发展,仍然是体育界在改革中面临的课题。How to promote the sports industrialization is still an issue in sports reforming.

自改革开放以来,我国的国民经济取得了快速发展。Our national ecomony has been developping rapidly since the reforming and opening.

校本评价对于改革我国现行的教育评价制度有重要的参考价值。The SBE will do much help to reforming the educational evaluation system of China.