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这就是很好的例证。This is very good paradigmatic.

西班牙是典型的例子,她经历了一场经济大繁荣。The case of Spain is paradigmatic.

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同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship.

摘要同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship.

中国语言学史的研究法是纵向聚合式的。The research methods on Chinese linguistics history were paradigmatic.

我曾说过摩西是圣经中典型的人类领袖。I said that Moses becomes a paradigmatic leader in the biblical tradition.

坠入爱河是一个欲望不由自主影响人生的经典案例。Falling in love is the paradigmatic example of an involuntary life-affecting desire.

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QQ和MSN用户的区别正是这一文化冲突的最好例证。The distinction of QQ and MSN user is clash of this one culture is best and paradigmatic.

典范规则即规范产业同形的社会化压力。Paradigmatic rules are socialized norms that force firms to take into isomorphism seriously.

这些标准程序和关系可以而且确实在不断变化,从而满足具体情况的需要。These paradigmatic procedures and relationships can and do vary to meet the needs of particular situations.

范式性思想资源则为城市文化活力研究确立了原则、方法和基本的理论框架。Paradigmatic resource establishes principle, method and basic framework for urban culture vitality research.

其主要原因在于,固有的编辑学研究范式出现了危机。The main reason for this lies in that the fixed paradigmatic research on redactology has been faced a crisis.

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南京市六合区的农村水花生、龙虾泛滥成灾就是一个典型的例证。The 6 rural water earthnut of Nanjing city that combine a division, langouste overruns is a model is paradigmatic.

音位描写仅仅描写聚合关系,而没有考虑组合关系。Phonological description only deals with paradigmatic relations, leaving syntagmatic relations out of consideration.

其中螺旋波便是这类自组织结构中最具有代表性的一种。One of the most paradigmatic examples of spatiotemporal self-organized patterns is a kind of spiral excitation waves.

业内人士认为,仿油画效果也是床上用品越来越艺术的一个例证。The personage inside course of study thinks, copy canvas effect also is bedding a more and more artistic paradigmatic.

因此,按照哈耶克的划分,选民就是那种典型的处于“比别人更加理性是毫无用处的”境地的人。Voters are therefore almost a paradigmatic example of Hayek’s category of people for whom “t is no use being more rational than the rest.”

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其中,聚合和组合联结关系属于语义联结,其它三类反应类型是非语义联结关系。Among with, paradigmatic and syntagmatic responses belong to the semantic links and other three response types are non-semantic connections.

去准备好你们的心灵来接受这白色之光,它将会赐予你们一个新的经历,一个无与伦比的转换和目标明确的谐和。Go to prepare your hearts to receive the white light which will birth you into a new experience, a paradigmatic shift and purposeful accord.

诠释学强调对话、理解与意义,它对幼儿教育研究具有相当深刻的范式意义。As Hermeneutics emphasizes the dialogue, comprehension and meaning, it is of great paradigmatic significance to preschool education research.