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哈姆,你必须守在雅茅斯。Ham, you must stay here in Yarmouth.

为什么你没有在雅茅斯港外的锚地中淹死?Why wert thou not drown'd in Yarmouth Roads?

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我父亲住在雅茅斯时喜欢钓鱼。My father took to fishing while he lived in Yarmouth.

到达雅茅斯后,我径直来到了巴克斯家。When I arrived in Yarmouth , I went straight to Barkis's house.

可他有一份好工作,在雅茅斯很受欢迎,所以他留在那儿。But he's got a good job, and is very popular in Yarmouth , so he'll stay there.

这是我在雅茅斯的最后一晚,因为我第二天就要回伦敦了。It was my last evening in Yarmouth , as I was returning to London the following day.

我们到达雅茅斯,下了马车,与巴克斯先生道别。When we arrived in Yarmouth and got down from the cart, we said goodbye to Mr Barkis.

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第二天,辟果提要回雅茅斯照顾顾哈姆,因为丹尼尔不在。The next day Peggotty was returning to Yarmouth to look after Ham, while Daniel was away.

在雅茅斯我被送上一辆去伦敦的长途四轮马车,行驶了一整夜。In Yarmouth I was put on the long-distance coach to London, and travelled all through the night.

是,大卫,我记得你跟我说过。她住在雅茅斯,是吧?干吗不一起去呢?Yes, David, I remember you told me. She lives in Yarmouth now, doesn't she? Why don't we go there together? '

桌上摆满了绿叶植物、全家福照片,还有五次去大雅茅斯带回来的纪念品?A forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth all on your desk?

可能是第二天,或许更晚,辟果提要我和她一道去雅茅斯看她弟弟。Perhaps it was the next day, or perhaps it was a little later, when Peggotty asked me to go with her to visit her brother at Yarmouth.

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亲爱的,从我头一次遇见你到与你在北亚茅斯寓所结为夫妻,这中间隔了多少天来着?How many days was it, my dear, between the first time of my seeing you and our sitting down together in our lodgings at North Yarmouth?

从省会哈利法克斯延伸到西部海岸上雅茅茨的南沙滩最受越洋旅行者的青睐。The South Shore, which stretches from the provincial capital, Halifax , to Yarmouth on the west coast, is the most popular with overseas visitors.

她见到我是那么高兴,坚持要我在雅茅斯逗留期间住到他们家,睡那间她一直为我保留着的小卧房。She was so pleased to see me that she insisted I should sleep at her house during my stay in Yarmouth , in the little bedroom she had always kept for me.

其次,我从雅茅斯锚地的沉船中逃出来的那天,也正是后来我从萨累逃跑的那天,同月同日。The same Day of the Year that I escaped out of the Wreck of that Ship in Yarmouth Rodes, that same Day-Year afterwards I made my escape from Sallee in the Boat.

也许你的人性化特色早就通过一丛各色的树叶,庞大家庭的照片,和你过去五次去大雅茅斯的照片广为传播。Perhaps your humanity is already broadcast by a forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth.