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可是一些问题有难以预料的预测性。And yet some questions are unpredictably predictive.

微数列和蛋白质组都可对DFS进行预测。Microarray and proteomic profiles were predictive of DFS.

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OGPC是一种连续时间的非线性预测控制算法。OGPC is a continuous-time nonlinear predictive control law.

既然模型的预测能力如此之小,那它们有什么用呢?If models have so little predictive power, what use are they?

Ellenbogen说,这给研究人员新的研究动力。Ellenbogen says this gives researchers a new predictive power.

其他病毒和宿主因素不预测将来的ALT。Other viral and host factors were not predictive of future ALT.

然后你就可以对这个系统,做出各种各样的预言。Then you can do all sorts of predictive stuff with that system.

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支点弯曲影像有潜在的预测能力。The fulcrum bending radiograph has potential predictive utility.

它们是基于预测瞬时电流的PWM控制。They are based on a predictive instantaneous current PWM control.

但情况表明,11年周期的想法不具预言价值。The idea of an 11-year cycle turned out to have no predictive value.

肖友泉做法是预测式的库存管理和库存预警。Xiaoyouquan is predictive of inventory management and inventory alert.

所以血管内超声对左主干的预测性准确度相当不错。So the predictive accuracy oif IVIS in left mains is considerably better.

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本文提出一种对死区时间的预测补偿。A predictive algorithm of dead-time compensation is presented in this paper.

我们正在将这种知识应用于禽流感的预测和预防工作。We are using that knowledge for predictive and preventive work on avian flu.

在流程完成以后,预测模型将会自动显示。After the process completes, the predictive model is automatically displayed.

FA值在肿瘤良恶性鉴别中有一定的价值。ADC values and FA values may be predictive of astrocytic tumor classification.

事实证明,抗体数目高度预测1型糖尿病。However, mIAA is less predictive of type 1 diabetes than other autoantibodies.

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预见性资产管理技术甚至可以为输配电企业提供更大的利益。Predictive asset management techniques can provide even greater benefits for T&D.

预测性的元素位于信封框架的第二层和第三层。Predictive elements lie at the second and third layers of the envelope framework.

离散度具有预测恶性心律失常发生的价值。Q-T dispersions possess the predictive value of malignant ventricular arrhythmia.