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现在能看到DRAM的价格明显涨了。You've seen the DRAM price go up significantly.

在2005年7月打兰的兑率是1美元兑452打兰。The exchange rate was 1USD to 452 DRAM in July 2005.

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亚美尼亚德拉姆对美元的汇率已跌去三分之一强。The Armenian dram has lost over a third of its value against the dollar.

而瑞晶则将在第三季度启动30nm制程内存芯片产品的量产。Rexchip will start manufacturing 30-nm process DRAM in the third quarter.

单词"dram"用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。The word "dram" translates into English as "money", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.

动态随机存储器名字中的动态是因为它每秒刷新成千上万次。DRAM gets the "dynamic " in its name because it is refreshed thousands of times per second.

为纪念阿麦腰白,基诺族每年过节都要敲大鼓,跳大鼓舞。To memorize Amai Yaobai, Jinos beat big drum and perform big dram dance in Jino's New Year.

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力晶将削减今年的资本支出计划以及DRAM发货量预期。Powerchip is cutting capital spending plans and its DRAM shipment growth forecast for this year.

近期景气滑坡导致新投入的产能减少,已然协助DRAM价格回升.A lack of new manufacturing capacity following the recent downturn has helped improve DRAM prices.

元杂剧中反映作者对法律思想反思和探索的作品很多,“人治”思想是清官戏出现的文化根源。There are a lot Dram as in the Yuan Dynasty, which express writers thought and reflection on L aw.

打开驱动器都可以清楚地看到东芝闪存,这是海力士DRAM缓存,芯片,上面写着群联。Opening the drive one can clearly see the Toshiba flash, Hynix DRAM that is the cache, and a chip that says Phison.

不过,若DRAM芯片厂商乐观过头且投资过度,该行业仍有可能再次跌回供过于求的窘境.Still, the industry could risk diving back into oversupply if DRAM chip makers are over optimistic and invest heavily.

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重点分析了双端存储器在多CPU数据采集处理系统中的数据锁配合问题。It emphatically analyzed the problem of data matching of DRAM in data acquisition and processing system based on multi-CPU.

三星电子在DRAM芯片、液晶显示屏和手提电话都押注成功,获益丰厚。The bets that Samsung Electronics placed on DRAM chips, liquid-crystal display screens and mobile telephones paid off handsomely.

因为维多利亚女王极为偏爱这家蒸馏厂的威士忌,酒厂特别为女王从艾雷岛免税运送到女王位于温沙堡的住所!Queen Victoria was so partial to a dram of this fine whisky that the distillery transported it from Islay to Windsor for her duty free!

尔必达将在其300mm规格广岛芯片厂量产这种30nm制程内存芯片产品,同时其合作伙伴台湾瑞晶公司的芯片厂也会开始生产这种产品。Elpida will mass produce the 30-nm process DRAM at its 300-mm Hiroshima Plant in Japan as well as at Taiwan-based Rexchip Electronics Corp.

片外存储系统的访存延迟主要由DRAM延迟决定,带宽则是由内存总线的数据传输率所决定。Off-chip memory latency is mainly determined by DRAM latency, and memory bandwidth is determined by data transfer rate through the memory bus.

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这一改进使用了铁电层,从而不再需要使用传统DRAM单元中的存储电容。The improvements stem from using ferroelectric layers that no longer requires the use of a storage capacitor found in conventional DRAM cells.

依据电机学原理设计一种录像机磁鼓电动机驱动电路,并介绍了电路的主要结构和工作原理。This paper designs the driving circuit of the memory dram electromotor by the theory of television and introduces the structure and principle.

而本文所述的这种由保罗·弗兰从和他的团队创建的存储装置,即保持了DRAM的速度的优势,又能够切换到存储的持久模式。But the device created by Dr Paul Franzon and his team combines the speed of DRAM while being able to switch to a more persistent mode of storage.