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他们把这头牛的角切短。English breed of short- horned cattle.

尼尼伯,缄默之角冠神,记住!NINIB, Horned One of Silence, Remember!

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双角古神之门,开启!Gate of the Double- Horned Elder God, Open!

冥河龙意为“来自冥河长着角的恶魔”。Stygimoloch means "horned devil from the Styx."

白化角蛙食蟋蟀,但不成功。Pacman Horned Frog eats cricket but not success.

为什么一年里不长角的奶牛没有长角的奶牛出的奶多?Why do nott cows give less milk in a year than horned?

这张椅子的扶手和凳脚长角,并披着羊皮。Its horned armrests and legs were covered with goat's fur.

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我从石头下面捉出一条长角的毒蝰蛇来,让它咬我。I took a horned adder from beneath a stone and let it sting me.

唯一看起来享受这盛事的就是大角枭了。The only people who seemed to enjoy it were the great horned Owls.

有些地区是山鹪鹩、燕子、大角状羽毛猫头鹰居住栖息的地方。Some of them are home to rock wrens, swallows and great horned owls.

在今年的斗牛中,约有一百多人被牛抵伤。About more than 100 people were horned in the bullfighting this year.

因此,这一形状就有了一个名称,即像犄角一样的月亮外形。The shape thus took its name from this horned appearance of the moon.

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愿慈爱与荣耀归于伟大母神与有角父神!祝福于此!All love and honor to the Great Goddess and the Horned God! Blessed Be!

筒仓顶部的边缘上,一只很大的猫头鹰转着它的头看着我们。From the top rafter, a great horned owl swiveled its head to look at us.

资产阶级,相信我,把怕红病留给那些生角的动物②去害吧。Take my advice, bourgeois, let's leave fear of the red to horned cattle.

目前在北美地区发现的最为古老的有角恐龙是祖尼角龙。The oldest known horned dinosaur in North America is called Zuniceratops.

你所看见双角的公绵羊,就是玛代和波斯王。The two- horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia.

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大多数人崇拜伟大的女神和她的配偶、有角的上帝。Most worship some form of the Great Goddess and Her consort, The Horned God.

那条路上常常有响尾蛇爬过,有时候你还能看见浑身凸起的蟾蜍。Along that path rattlers often went by and occasionally you saw a horned toad.

宽阔的大嘴,使苏里南角蛙也被称为“食鬼蛙”。Surinam horned frogs are also known as Pac-Man frogs due to their wide mouths.