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快呀,朋友!给我河豚呀!Come on, pal! Fugu me!

河豚毒素作为一种剧毒绝对能让你的河豚宴变成最后的晚餐。Tetrodotoxin is the potent poison that can turn fugu into a final meal.

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本文报道了菊黄东方鲀胚胎及仔稚幼鱼发育情况。This paper reported the embryonic and larval development of Fugu flavidus.

许多亚洲人对于河豚这一危险的美味还是难以拒绝。Known as fugu when eaten as a meal, many in Asian countries refuse to not eat the fish.

测试的最后一部分包括他自己宰杀的河豚。The final part of the test involves the chef eating the pieces of fugu that he has cut.

就好比警告人们不要吃河豚鱼,知道会死人,但还是会去吃。It's like warning people about eating fugu fish, they know they can die but still do it.

河豚只有在日本被正式地列入君主禁用的违反食物——为了他的安全,而没有把河豚的照片上传。Fugu is the only food officially illegal for the Emperor of Japan to eat –for his safety.

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戴复古曾师从陆游,人生理念自然受其影响。As Dai Fugu once was taught by Lu You, his view on life was inevitably influenced from it.

研究发现河豚卵巢提取物具有一定的免疫功能和生物活性。ABSTRACT The immunologic function and bioactivity of extract from fugu ovary has been studied.

你好!我看到了陕西府谷县警民冲突的消息,前几天还发生过贵州瓮安民众烧砸县委县政府及县公安局事件。I just have the news that there was a conflict between civilian and police in Fugu county, Shanxi Pro.

虽然下关所占比例近年来已有减少,它仍然掌控日本河豚市场之半。Though Shimonoseki's share has fallen in recent years, it still controls about half of Japan's fugu market.

但是佐贺县几百家的河豚餐馆主警告称放松这个法律可能会导致用餐者死亡。But owners of hundreds of fugu restaurants in Saga have warned that relaxing the law could end up killing diners.

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那些心里痒痒,想玩一把这种日本轮盘赌的人,可以去下关,那里有日本最大的河豚批发市场。Those itching to play Japanese roulette may want to head to Shimonoseki, home to Japan’s largest fugu wholesale market.

鄂尔多斯盆地南缘富古地区下古生界马家沟组风化壳发育,储集空间类型复杂。Weathering crust was developed in Majiagou Formation of lower Palaeozoic era, in the south front of Fugu Area, Ordos Basin.

然而下关建立在河豚有毒这个事实上的地位,已经遭受养殖无毒河豚肝的威胁。But the city's business, predicated on the fact that fugu is poisonous, now faces a threat with poison-free, farmed fugu liver.

如今,爱媛县南部一家水产公司表示,他们已经在一所渔场中培育了五万尾无毒河豚。Now an aquaculture company based in the southern prefecture of Ehime said it had raised 50,000 non-poisonous fugu at a fish farm.

黄河府谷至禹门口河段航运建设是国家对黄河水系航运建设的组成部分。The navigation construction from Fugu to Yumenkou on the Yellow River is a part of the whole navigation construction on the Yellow River.

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我有一个放映主厨准备河豚的过程的剪辑过的视屏——真的很特别。Rather than including a photograph of a pufferfish, I have used a youtube clip showing a chef preparing the fugu – it is quite extraordinary.

基因定位比较显示,IL-基因在黑青斑河豚、红鳍东方豚以及人类中具有保守的共线性。Compared genes up- and down-stream IL- between Tetraodon nigroviridi, Fugu rubripes and human, a high degree of conservation of synteny was found.

河豚是有毒的,在日本,河豚的主厨在拿到证书之前是要受过专门的训练的和测试的。The fugu is so poisonous that in Japan, fugu chefs are trained specially for the job and are tested before being a given certificates of practice.